How to Speed Up Your Keplr Wallet Transactions by Changing the API

Secret Network
Secret Network Ecosystem
3 min readDec 7, 2022

Keplr wallet transactions can take a lot longer than needed, especially when nodes go offline or the network gets overloaded.

But there’s a way to fix this! By changing the API on your Keplr wallet you can significantly speed up your Keplr wallet transactions — and it’s super easy to implement.

In this tutorial we’ll show you step-by-step how to do so. To start off we’ll quickly go over what APIs are and how they connect to wallets, but feel free to skip ahead if you want to dive straight into the tutorial.

What Is an API?

API means Application Programming Interface. It’s an interface that communicates with a blockchain node or a client network directly or through another service.

APIs are used in a variety of cryptocurrency-related applications including the Keplr wallet. The API server has “indexes” or shortcuts which allow users to quickly get answers to their questions such as current balance, current NFTs, and more.

How Does a Wallet Connect to APIs?

If a user wants to do something like “send a transaction” to transfer coins from one wallet (Keplr) to another:

  1. Your wallet will ask the API Server using HTTP
  2. The API Server will speak “blockchain” to the validators
  3. The validator nodes will execute the work you request

But problems arise when the API server is not able to communicate with the validators. This often happens when nodes are offline, overloaded, or there is lots of activity on the network.

3 Simple Steps to Changing Your Keplr API

Luckily these issues are easily fixed by changing your Keplr wallet API. To speed up your Keplr wallet transactions, follow these 3 steps:

Step 1:

Open the Keplr app and click “Settings”

Step 2:

Click on “Endpoints” to change into the nodes you wish to connect

Step 3:

Change both the RPC and LCD endpoints to any endpoint in this list:

And click on “Confirm”.

The steps highlighted above should be enough to speed up your Keplr transactions by resolving common issues like the Keplr out-of-sync error.

However, if these errors persists after adding both the RPC and LCD endpoints, then consider deleting/removing it and reconnecting it again.



Secret Network
Secret Network Ecosystem

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