5 Anecdotes From The Congress of Vienna

A feast of intrigue, love and mystery

Marco Röder
Secrets of German History
4 min readJul 17, 2023


Image source: danafleitman on Pixabay.com

Europe went through a period of great suffering in the transition from the 18th to the 19th century. The Jacobins’ reign of terror during the French Revolution from 1793 to 1794 claimed countless lives. Napoleon’s subsequent campaigns brought war and misery to all of Europe. But this time of upheaval also had its curious and fascinating sides.

The Congress of Vienna, a meeting of the European powers, was supposed to restore political order. But during the nine months of negotiations from September 1814 to June 1815, Vienna was transformed into a scene of intrigue, amorous affairs and secret machinations. Here are 5 exciting anecdotes that give insight into this period of social upheaval and political negotiations.

1. The Court of Love

The Congress of Vienna was not only a place of political discussions, but also a melting pot of passions. Some participants called it the “Court of Love” or “Congrès des Cygnes“.

In the magnificent salons and ballrooms of Vienna, diplomats, aristocrats and other leading figures are said to have secretly met with courtesans and prostitutes to act out their sexual desires or simply to escape boredom.

Although the existence of this “court of love” is disputed, the atmosphere of the Congress and the absence of women from the official proceedings leaves room for speculation about clandestine affairs and sexual escapades.

2. The Dance Competition

During the Congress of Vienna, an exciting dance competition known as the “Congress Dances” or “Viennese Dances” took place. These dance competitions were not only a demonstration of dancing skills, but also a means of maintaining diplomatic relations.

Diplomats and nobles competed for the favor of their dance partners in various dance categories such as the minuet, the polonaise, the waltz, and the quadrille. These competitions were a showcase of elegance, social glamor, and political intrigue. Through dancing together, relationships were forged, political alliances were consolidated, and many a negotiation was advanced to the beat of the music.

3. The Viennese Melange

During the intense negotiations and ceremonial events of the Congress of Vienna, participants were served a special coffee specialty — Viennese Melange. This delicious coffee, consisting of a strong espresso, hot milk and a cap of creamy milk foam, sweetened the long days and nights for the congress participants.

Diplomats, nobles and other participants met in the famous Viennese coffeehouses to hold political talks, forge alliances and discuss their strategies over a cup of Viennese Melange. The Viennese coffeehouses became centers of exchange, discussion and conviviality, where the future of Europe was discussed over a sip of delicious coffee.

4. The Secret Passages of Vienna

Hidden beneath Vienna’s magnificent palaces and buildings were secret passageways and tunnels used by members of Congress to hold discreet and confidential conversations. These secret passageways allowed diplomats and government officials to exchange confidential information, hold private meetings, and make political plans without attracting attention.

Confidential talks and secret negotiations took place in the labyrinthine corridors of the Hofburg complex or in the secretive rooms of the Palais Liechtenstein. Vienna’s secret passages witnessed the political intrigues and power struggles that took place behind the scenes at the Congress.

5. The Secret Bottle

In the midst of heated negotiations and political intrigue, the Austrian Foreign Minister Klemens von Metternich is said to have kept a secret bottle of wine hidden under the table. This bottle was his personal consolation and tonic during the long and exhausting negotiations.

It also symbolized secret resistance to rigid diplomatic formalities and gave Metternich the determination he needed to achieve his political goals. Behind the closed doors of the negotiating rooms and away from the festive banquets of Congress, Metternich secretly enjoyed wine and was inspired by its taste and effect as he shaped Europe’s political future.


These anecdotes illustrate that the Congress of Vienna was not only a diplomatic meeting, but also a dazzling celebration full of intrigue, romance and secret deals. It was a time when Europe was reordered and society’s elites lived out their power, love, and secrets amid pomp and celebration.

The Congress of Vienna was a unique chapter in the history of Europe that continues to fascinate today, giving us a glimpse into an exciting era of diplomacy and social change.

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Disclosure: ChatGPT and Deepl.com were used to create, research and translate parts of this text.



Marco Röder
Secrets of German History

Versatile wordsmith delving into the realms of history, family, health, and faith, crafting captivating narratives. / Support me: https://ko-fi.com/marcoroder