We Got This Far, Now What?


I’ve been thinking a lot about what’s next for our community now that the fifth year of Big Omaha is behind us.

It seems to me the fifth year is a sign of the potential for what’s ahead. It’s also a good reason to pause, take a look at where we’re at, and make course corrections or adjustments to make sure we not only continue moving forward, but moving forward faster, and with greater impact and results.

The point has been made before by Brad Feld, to which I strongly agree, that it takes a critical mass - which isn’t that many - maybe a half dozen people who are committed to building a community. And committed for the long haul, not just the next few months or even a year.

So as we’ve arrived the an important stage in our community, what do you think is needed?

What organizations or people are flying under the radar and need to be called upon to get engaged?

What’s next for us as a city and region?

How can we leverage Omaha’s unique assets to build something of lasting value and impact?

Who are the other leaders that are interested in making a dent in the community?

What’s lacking and / or needs to be improved?

Let’s look at this time as the end of the first quarter, and take a step back to look at what’s happened over the last few years, and double down on making the next five years and beyond even better.

Who’s in?



Jeff Slobotski
Entrepreneurial Journeys in Middle America

connecting the dots | building @intentional_app + @RouterVentures w/ @HighAlpha I built @SiliconPrairie + @BigOmaha I mountain climber I weather watcher