
Secularism and Its Consequences: 2023

Daniel Haven
Secular Woes
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2023


To kick off this article, let’s look at one of the mainstream religions of the secular world:


Particularly, it is Lookism covering that which humans have limited to no control over: or Genetic Lookism.

Genetic Lookism: the Religion of the Secular World

Many young men and women, regardless of how attractive they’re deemed to be, spend their time on social media, feeding their lust and envy at the influencers and celebrities that cross their sight.

They kick themselves repeatedly over the fact that their bones didn’t align in the exact way that would make them just as “beautiful” as these people.

“If only they won the genetic lottery, they would be living in the land of milk and honey.”

They feel bitter resentment towards society for enforcing these beauty standards whilst not taking into account how little control they have over their own beauty; and at themselves for not being able to reach these standards despite understanding how little control they have.

They may be able to burn fat via exercise and healthy dieting, but their bones are largely immutable.

They are, in one ear, told that their parents and forefathers should not influence their lives while, in the other ear, simultaneously punished or rewarded for the genetic makeup and backgrounds of their parents and forefathers.

There is no escaping who birthed you in the material world.

Only in the spiritual can we look past these surface-level conditions and find beauty in things the vain find repulsive.

Ultimately, without Christ to fill their hearts, lookism and pornography reign supreme.

The Influencer Death Spiral

Young men are told by malignant male influencers that they’re suckers or “cuckolds” if they go the traditional route of devoting themselves to a single woman for the rest of their lives.

The only life worth living for a man, they say, is to be exorbitantly rich and have copious amounts of extramarital sex with plastic-surgery-laden women whose names they don’t even know nor care to know.

Young women are told by malignant female influencers, often the same ones being used by the male influencers, that their lifestyle is valid and something they should aspire for.

These influencers tell them to give their bodies if they want the ring or that female liberation is being used by these men because “you’re having sex like a man.”

At no point can any question of marriage or children be put into this frame.

If anything, the mentioning of children causes these sorts of people to recoil like demons being confronted with a cross or holy water.

The young women go into plastic surgery and whore themselves out on Tinder and OnlyFans or whatever platform is the current digital prostitution medium of the day.

And the young men follow this deeply narcissistic religion, continuing the cycle, and/or devolve into drug and pornography addiction if they are not able to meet the standards for wealth, fame, and/or beauty necessary to live that sort of lifestyle.

And when you suggest following tradition, they look at the very women they made as examples of why not devote yourself?

“If you devote yourself, you’ll end up with a garden tool who’ll cheat on you and take half of your stuff in divorce court. Never mind the fact that my ideology contributes heavily to the increasing growth of these types of women. I’m not going to sacrifice my lust so that the world is a better place for men, women, and children. I’m going to continue promoting this ideology and fuck anyone who gets harmed because of it.”

Who wins at the end?

Ultimately, the Devil, who looks upon this situation with glee.

The men who give themselves to this perverse religion, unless they are just as psychopathic as Satan, ultimately feel misery at the pointlessness of their material lives.

They use drugs, alcohol, and whatever other numbing substance to drown their woes until old age hits them or some tragedy strikes and they lose all will to live.

The women, after reaching a certain age where no amount of plastic surgery can hide the natural aging of their bodies, get tossed aside for newer and hotter toys.

At this point, they are incapable of having children or starting a family.

Even if they still have their youth, their history repulses husband-material men.

But rather than admitting to her mistake and repenting under the cross, determined to prevent her younger peers from following in her footsteps, she instead doubles down and repeatedly shames men for not wanting to devote themselves to her.

Gender-Based Religions

Enter Feminism, the religion that demands men be traditional and forgiving while giving a woman the freedom to be as debaucherous and disgusting as she desires.

The inverse, a religion that demands good of women while allowing evil in men, is no solution.

It merely pours oil into an ever-growing fire.

An Appeal to Tradition

Tradition is nothing more than solutions for problems we forgot existed.

Why go to church? Why pray at the altar? Why pray every day? Why have faith in the almighty?

These things seem materially meaningless on the surface, but their purpose becomes more and more apparent with each passing day.

As humans, we possess both intelligence and idiocy.

Pride is the faulty declaration that we are only intelligent and therefore incapable of making mistakes or doing stupid things.

To pray is to humble yourself and declare,

“I am not as smart as I think I am. There is an untold number of people around the world who are better than me in various ways. And there is an almighty being who is much better than me and everyone else in every way; and I must magnify Him.”

Humility in the Face of Temptation

Once you admit to this, you find that, despite knowing how social media affects you, you are still affected by it if you repeatedly expose yourself.

You can say that you are intelligent and know those photos are photoshopped, but the reality is that they are still affecting your self-esteem regardless.

You understand that there are parts of your brain that are inherently irrational and that you cannot just approach reality through a rationalist lens.

Rather than confronting temptation, you admit that you are not strong enough.

And therefore, you must set up a system in place to avoid temptation, so that you may not sin.


This is not cowardice. Rather, this is true intelligence — humble intelligence, or wisdom.

The intelligence to admit your weakness and the virtue to not want your weakness to overcome you and lead you to sin.

But in order to arrive at this point, you first have to humble yourself.

This asks much of men and women in the youthfully arrogant stages of their lives.

An Appeal to Parents

Like with the Prodigal Son, it will come to pass, but if the adults do not manage the freedoms of their children, then these young men and women will follow the path laid out to them by the unwitting servants of the Devil.

And they may not return to their homes.

Thank you for reading. If you liked this article, be sure to leave a clap.

And if I got something wrong or something else, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Bible Quote of the Day

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

— Romans 8:6 KJV

