
Seven tips to succeed in Secure and Private AI challenge scholarship

Secure and Private AI Scholarship Challenge from Facebook

Before sharing some tips to succeed in UDACITY SECURE AND PRIVATE AI SCHOLARSHIP CHALLENGE FROM FACEBOOK, I would like to share a little bit about my journey. This is my first scholarship challenge, so when I received an email about my acceptance in this scholarship challenge, trust me I was feeling at the top of the world for a while. The email which I received, shared details about the scholarship challenge as well congratulated me for getting selected among 5000 scholars from around the world.

This gif in my email made me super excited 😅. After receiving an email, I joined the slack community and whoo everyone on the slack community was celebrating🎇 about getting into it and introducing themselves. After spending two months in this scholarship challenge, I have gathered some useful tips that can help others to shine in this scholarship challenge and to get among the top 300 scholars who will get a full scholarship. So, without further due, let’s get started…

Top Seven Tips TO SUCCEED

I have compiled some useful tips that can help you to get far into this program without getting overwhelmed. All the points discussed here are completely OPTIONAL to participate but it will highly increase your chances to get into phase two.

  1. Community Participation: One of the most important parts of this scholarship challenge is to join the slack community.
Join slack community

I believe this is a vibrant community which can help you grow and develop your interest. I had no prior knowledge of deep learning before joining this challenge, but with the help of the slack community and my enthusiasm towards AI made things much easier for me. Here are the number of reasons why I would suggest you, to participate in the slack community. First, you will receive such support from your peers that you will never feel lost. This will help to build community and also increase your evaluation points to get into the second phase of this scholarship challenge. Secondly, there are channels like #ama_sessions and #announcements that will keep you up to date about the new initiatives introduced in this community. Thirdly, you can solve your technical problems. This community is very quick at responding. When I first posted error, I remember within 5 minutes my peers help me to solve it. Last but not least, it is a wonderful platform to share ideas and resources.

2. Join Study Groups:

Study Group: Private and Secure AI Scholarship Challenge

Study groups are a wonderful way to get involved with the community by participating in various activities and working for the purpose of the group. Some study groups also work on projects. Joining a study group not only helps to get into phase 2 but also help to build a strong community and work collaboratively. I have also joined 4 study groups and I am really enjoying it. You don’t have to join 4 study groups. You can join as many you want. If you are ready, check out some study groups that find best to you.

3. Course Completion

Of course, Course Completion is one of the important aspects to get into the second phase of the scholarship challenge.

Andrew Trask( course instructor) has made things quite, understandable and well-aligned. As a beginner, this course provides me really good basic on differential privacy.

If you haven’t done much of your course content, take popcorn🍿 and pop🍷 and start working on your course content.

4. Project Showcase Challenge

It is recently announced activity which is providing a chance to peers to work in a team or individually to showcase their projects and have fun. Although it is optional, this is a chance to showcase you amazing it, go for it.

To get started, you first need to fill Project Showcase Challenge — Interest Form

Top 10 Projects will be showcased here on this google site of the scholarship program
- Top 5 Projects will be featured in the official report for the program presented to the Facebook Team
- The Highest Scoring Project will be showcased in a LIVE Webinar Session! The team/individual behind this project will get to present the project in this LIVE Webinar Session.

Check out this link for more surprises.

5. Join #busy_or_overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed by the course content/multiple courses or activities on slack? Finding hard to manage study with course load?

Then join #busy_or_overwhelmed channel. The moderators of this channel compile list of activities every day going on in slack. So you don’t need to look here and there for different activities. Everything is provided in one place. All you need to do is to check out the list and click on the link which seems interesting to you.

6. AMA sessions and Announcements

AMA means Ask me anything. This channel is specifically meant to answer any queries of the peers. The session is usually held MONDAY 11:30 am — 12:30 pm GMT and THURSDAY 11:30 am — 12:30 pm GMT, 06:30 pm — 07:30 pm GMT

You can ask any non-technical query related to this challenge and thanks to our awesome community managers @akshit.udacity @Palak.Udacity for making our journey smooth.

Always keep an eye on #announcements channel.

7. #60daysofudacity Challenge

It is a wonderful way to keep track of your daily activities and earn some evaluation points based on it. It is never late to start. Even if you start today, you will get some evaluation point based on your progress in the coming days. Learn more about this.

I hope we all will get an entry to the second phase. Let's make it together. I firmly believe that these points will definitely help to find a way to continue our journey. We are almost there. Good luck! and stay Udacious

If you like it or it helped you in any way. Please feel free to clap 👏 and share this article with others. You claps 👏 will motivate me to write further and to come up with some awesome articles.



Seeratpal Jaura
Secure and Private AI Writing Challenge

Applied Computer Science Student, strong programmer, Enthusiastic about AI and deep Learning, facebookUdacity scholar