Top 5 things I have learned from the Secure and Private AI Challenge Scholarship

Sourav Das
Secure and Private AI Writing Challenge
4 min readJul 17, 2019
Secure and Private AI Challenge Scholarship

On May 31, 2019

I was surprised again when I got an email saying “Sourav, congratulations! You have been accepted into the Secure and Private AI Scholarship Challenge Program” 😍

as it was my fourth Scholarship with Udacity.I was so happy that I rushed to the nearest shop and got myself a Chocolate bar to celebrate 🍫😋

It has been almost 1 and a half month journey and I have learned so many things which helped to grow and get inspired by my fellow Udacity Facebook Scholars!

Huge Shout out to all awesome scholar in our Amazing Slack Community.

In this blog, I will be sharing what are the Top things I have learned so far from our scholarship community which not only help to become a better person and inspiring me to learn & contribute more to the Artificial Intelligence.

Here are the Top 5 things I have learned from the Secure and Private AI Challenge Scholarship:

5. Time management

Yes! you read it right, I learned to manage my time more preciously and making it perfect every day. It not that I was not managing time before the challenge program but after starting with the course I feel more confident and so I have allotted my study hours nicely which does not make me feel more stressed so that I can focus on my other work.

As having a busy schedule due to my preparation for the competitive exams and my personal projects, It was very tough to manage everything in the beginning but I managed my time gradually and break it to few slots
I study for the course in the morning for an hour and I code & participate in the community in the night!

The more you practice the more perfect it becomes and it becomes habit!


It’s amazing to be a part of a community where the scholars are from all over the world! I find it super amazing

I met so many brilliant minds from this scholarship from so many beautiful countries! It’s super nice to connect and learn from them in virtual meetups, discussing so many AI technologies!

It’s awesome to learn from and listen to their inspiring stories contribution in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Thanks to #StudyBuddyProgram and Shout out to my Study Group buddies #sg_wonder_vision #sg_study_jahm and many more.


Yes, The scholarship helps me to become more productive. now I feel more confident and motivated all thanks to my fellow scholars who keep encouraging and supporting me every day and my favourite slack channels
#motivation #busy_or_overwhelmed

‘If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done’-Bruce Lee


60daysofudacity has been a super awesome Initiative by our amazing Udacity community managers! It’s not only helped me make a habit to code every day and to focus on the course but also helped to be more Consistent to learn & be more organized in life!

Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.

1.Secure and Private AI

And the most, I have learned so much about Differential Privacy, Federated Learning, Encrypted AI, Privacy-preserving technologies, such as OpenMined’s PySyft. PySyft extends Deep Learning tools such as PyTorch with the cryptographic and distributed technologies necessary to safely and securely train AI models on distributed private data.

Thanks to our awesome instructor Andrew Trask Leader of OpenMined, Research Scientist at DeepMind Oxford, PhD Student. Brendan McMahan @GoogleAI, Miles Brundage @OpenAI ,Abhishek Bhowmick & Ashish Garg @Apple

Can’t thank enough to Our Super Awesome Scholarship Community Managers Akshit Jain and Palak Sadani for all the support, guidance and the motivation.

Here are the few resources to get started with Secure and Private AI:

“If you like the blog or it helped you anyway feel free to
give as many claps👏you can IT will motivate me to write more!”

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Sourav Das
Secure and Private AI Writing Challenge

Developer | Google India Scholar ’18 | Mentor @OpenMined | Google Code-in Mentor @Tensorflow