Early Warning System Recap: August 1–15, 2015

CRS/SECC Project
2 min readAug 18, 2015

From August 1–15, the SECC project’s Early Warning System (EWS) sent out 15 alerts with information gathered from the program’s network of high-frequency radios operated by communities across southeast Central African Republic (CAR) and northeast Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

July 27: Clash between park guards and SPLA elements in Garamba National Park


  • Two SPLA soldiers injured, one of whom later died of his injuries

July 29: Suspected LRA group operating near Dembia, CAR

July 29: Motorcyclists ambushed near Nambia, DRC


  • Motorcycle abandoned at the site of the ambush

July 30: Civilians ambushed and robbed near Dialimo, DRC


  • 16 people taken hostage and released
  • Rice, peanuts, money, and telephones stolen

July 31: Suspected LRA sighting near Dembia

August 3: Suspected LRA group enters and loots Gangu, DRC


  • 9 people kidnapped and released
  • Food and non-food items looted

August 3: Group of LRA captives released near Dialimo, DRC


  • Twelve captives of the LRA released

August 4: Suspected LRA group attacks Dimodu, DRC


  • Food and non-food items stolen
  • Six people abducted and released

August 5: Civilians abducted from Kpokpo, CAR


  • Five people abducted and released
  • Three suspected members of the LRA killed

August 6: Civilians ambushed by suspected LRA near Kpaika, DRC


  • Clothes and a motorcycle stolen

August 6: Suspected LRA elements abduct civilians in Sidabo, DRC


  • Nine people abducted and released
  • Goods looted, including a battery, a solar panel, clothes, palm oil, and sacks of corn and peanuts

August 7: Killing of resident sparks unrest in Nambia, DRC


  • One person dead, one person injured

August 9: Civilian wounded by suspected LRA elements near Gbazibiri, CAR


  • One person injured

August 9: Suspected ex-Séléka members ambush and injure woman near Louété, CAR


  • One person injured
  • Cassava stolen

August 9: Civilians ambushed by suspected LRA group near Nambia, DRC


  • Five people abducted, three released

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CRS/SECC Project

@CatholicRelief and partners @SFCG_ and Caritas-Bangassou are implementing @USAID-funded protection and social cohesion project.