Residents of Nambala, located in the Bondo area of DRC, vote on
a small grant project.

SECC Monthly Newsletter — May 2015

CRS/SECC Project


Newsletter Highlights

  • Southeast CAR: Two new HF radios were installed in Derbissaka and Ligoua, bringing the total number of HF radios in the Early Warning System network to 34. SECC led workshops in support of community protection committees and to educate residents in a number target communities on topics including trauma healing and gender-based violence.
  • Northeast DRC: In Bas- and Haut-Uélé districts, the SECC team plans to build 16 new HF radio shelters by the end of July. SECC worked on small project proposals in eight communities in Haut-Uélé district and two in the Bas-Uéle district.
  • Early Warning System: 44 alerts were recorded in May, 20 of which were attributed to the LRA. Details on the nature of LRA attacks in May fully described in the newsletter.
  • Analysis of LRA Activities: LRA activity declined in May, likely due to the onset of the rainy season. The number of abductions, however, remains high.


Monthly Newsletter — May (English)

Bulletin Mensuel — Mai (Français)



CRS/SECC Project

@CatholicRelief and partners @SFCG_ and Caritas-Bangassou are implementing @USAID-funded protection and social cohesion project.