Try Swisscows Privacy Search for Mobile: What are you waiting for?

Try free precise and secure searches on Android and iOS for free.

Sam Writes Security


author screenshot swisscows android playstore

Swisscows is a privacy focussed search engine from Switzerland that focuses on your searches and the results and without tracking you. The family friendly search engine claims not to log user data, and adult content like pornography and violent searches are not a thing on this engine, so you’ll get nowhere if you search for those.

Swisscows for mobile isn’t a browser but a search engine, you can only do so much with it. The app gives you two available themes dark, light and the default. And if you think the number of themes should be three instead of two well you’re correct but I just can’t tell the difference between the default and light theme.

The app is packed with a simple and clean look that is easy to work with. It is also minimalistic you might learn all about it in a few minutes. And, thanks to this guide, I’ve done most of the that for you already. And, if you’re thinking this isn’t much you’ll soon learn that it doesn’t come with many surprises.

Features of Swisscows for Mobile

Please note that the mobile version of the search engine provides similar features on both Android and iOS but I’m using an Android



Sam Writes Security

Freelance writer. Linux & cybersecurity enthusiast. Welcome to my world!