Is there a Bug in our Calendar System?

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7 min readSep 12, 2020

“We are not down to a single, unique universe, but our findings imply a significant reduction of the multiverse, to a much smaller range of possible universes.”

- Stephen Hawking

Is it me, or you too feel that time is fleeter than it used to?

Space Wrap Matter and energy wrap space, altering the paths of objects.

Its more than 6 months now, we all are locked in our homes and have all our precious 24*7 to ourselves, still, we say, we don’t have enough time. We can’t really blame the fast lifestyle that we used to have, for having a Busy Schedule and Complaining about not having enough time.

Is someone snapping away seconds or minutes from our 24 hours, or say from a month or let’s say a year. You know its all linked right?

Plank’s Time (or Planck Epoch) makes second, seconds make minute, minutes make an hour, hours make a day, days make a week, weeks make month and months make a year, and years are dependent on Earth’s Revolution.

Chapter 1 The Mystery of Being

Do you know that our Galaxy is contracting or shrinking? There’s a theory to help you better understand the question, you can take a peek. It’s a theory from Stephen Hawking

According to Stephen Hawking, the laws of physics and time cease to function inside that tiny particle of heat and energy. The ordinary real-time as we know now shrinks infinitely as the universe becomes ever smaller but never reaches a definable starting point.

Space-Time Wrap Matter and energy wrap time and cause the time dimension to “mix” with the space dimensions.

“Space-Time wrap, explains the warpage in our universe- it stretches or compresses the distance between points of space, changing its geometry, or shape, in a way that is measurable from within the universe. Warpage of time stretches or compresses time intervals in an analogous manner.”- Chapter 6 Choosing Our Universe.

So, here’s my question or say hypothesis, if our Milky Way Galaxy is shrinking and so is our solar system. Earth’s revolution path lies in that system, and consequently, her path, on which she revolves around the sun is also shrinking. So, Earth doesn’t revolve elliptically around the sun but rather spirally. The path is not absolute, its a variable.

If the universe and our world are collapsing, so is our measuring system. How are we really going to measure this change, if our measurement is not absolute? Everything in our world is relative.

You know the great Calendar System, which is totally dependent on that revolution path. It’s like when the earth goes around the sun, its a year. So, according to my hypothesis, as this time path was smaller than it used to be (revolution path is more like a spiral, not an exact ellipse, so the path is reducing every moment), Earth completed this year faster than the last one or before that. And we do feel, time is getting away faster than it used to. It doesn’t occupy enough space in our life as it did in earlier days. We really don’t feel time’s existence in a similar manner as compared to a prior time in our life. I had this notion, that due to our business and technology, we are intrigued by spending more time with them and we can’t feel our own time. But Is it really so? Are we so incapable of realizing from the circumstances where our time is going? I have been spending my days reading a book, and still, I can’t feel the space in my time.

Why is there something rather than nothing? Why do we exist? Why this particular set of laws and not some other?

Chapter 6 Choosing Our Universe.

The laws of nature tell us how the universe behaves, but they don’t answer the why questions that we posed at the start-

Why is there something rather than nothing?
Why do we exist?
Why this particular set of laws and not some other?

The current laws of the universe, tells us to follow the rules that are generated from the rooted principles and historic visions. Those laws are still governing our life.

So, where the bug lies? What I think is that it’s in our Calendar System. We have fixed our minutes, days, or say year with the Calender, which assumes earth revolves in an exact path every year, and it will take the exact same time, which is not the exact truth, according to the new discoveries. Time is not that simple. It’s not the same 60 minutes in your clock, it’s just a measurement relative to a fixed entity (path), which itself is not fixed, it’s changing every day and every minute. A year will always contain 365/366 days and an hour will always contain 60 minutes and a minute will always contain 60 seconds. But what about time? We feel in time, it’s expansion, it’s space, and it’s existence. We don’t feel in minutes, but rather we measure time with it.

As long as we are following our Calendar System, based on Earth’s revolution, we will be having 24 hours in our day. But how much time we have in our 24 hours will be varying every day. No doubt each of us will be having the exact same time of 24 hours as it is today for ourselves. But if we compare the time in that 24 hours with our past day, it may vary accordingly. So, it won’t be wrong if I say, day by day, minute by minute, We are losing time.

“Because gravity shapes space and time, it allows space-time to be locally stable but globally unstable.”

The main issue with the Calendar System lies in its assumption of a variable value as a fixed one ,. PATH. We are assuming that the path is absolute and so our time is. There are new scientific discoveries and theories that support the contraction of the universe. I think we need to upgrade our Calendar with a better model, and more realistic in nature. It should work with time, not with minutes. We need to find a better architecture to clearly understand the dependencies of time and space.

10 years ago, I have been introduced to this book by Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow- The Grand Design, and have so many rhetorical questions about the laws governing our everyday life.

Chapter 8 The Grand Design

Chapter 8 of the book, The Grand Design, explains, how regularities in the motion of astronomical bodies such as the sun, the moon, and the planets suggested that they were governed by fixed laws rather than being subject to the arbitrary whims and caprices of gods and demons. The behavior of things on earth is so complicated and subject to so many influences that early civilizations were unable to discern any clear patterns or laws governing these phenomena.

However, gradually, new laws were discovered in the areas other than astronomy, and this led to the idea of scientific determinism: there must be a complete set of laws that, given the state of the universe at a specific time, would specify how the universe would develop from that time forward. These laws should hold everywhere and at all times; otherwise, they wouldn’t be laws. There could be no exceptions or miracles.

M-theory is the unified theory Einstein was hoping to find. The fact that we human beings- who are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles of nature- have been able to come this close to an understanding of the laws governing us and our universe is a great triumph.

But perhaps the true miracle is that abstract considerations of logic lead to a unique theory that predicts and describes a vast universe full of the amazing variety that we see. If the theory is confirmed by observation, it will be the successful conclusion of a search going back more than 3000 years. We will have to found the Grand Design.

When will time cease to exist? By when we should upgrade our Calender?

Probably, not in my or your lifetime. For time to cease to a point will be taking billions of years according to our calendar system. Till then we can deal with our classic Calendar System. It works pretty well and is globally accepted. We really don’t have any other options and a system or law that could answer all of our questions. But rather a more prominent enigma that depends on future discoveries, Are we Losing Time?

A brief part of this article is an excerpt from the book the Grand Design. That does answer some of our questions about the Mystery of Being and presents us with the paradox of the laws of the Universe, that we are following in our whole life. Thanks to Stephen, who provides us a way to think differently, think out of the absolute box of laws, or flaws.

Laws are changing every day but Is our System? Is it really a Bug in our Calender or mere a Logical Flaw of the architecture?


The Grand Design: Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow

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