Q2 Update: Engineering Team

Message from Director of Engineering at Secured Finance

Reuven Aboulker
Secured Finance
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2023


Dear Secured Finance Community Members,

I’m thrilled to share with you the exciting progress we’ve made during the second quarter of 2023. Our dedicated team has been working diligently to enhance our platform and user experience, and I’m delighted to highlight our achievements and milestones.

But before we dive into the details, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Your involvement and feedback have been invaluable in shaping our journey. Your trust and dedication continue to inspire us as we strive to deliver an exceptional user experience.

Now, let’s embark on a journey through the significant advancements we’ve made in Q2. From strengthening our protocol to improving our user interface and expanding our reach, we have much to celebrate.

Development Update

During Q2, our focus was on further improving the security and functionality of our smart contracts and web platform. We invested considerable effort in preparing for the security audit, conducting extensive internal and external testing with the involvement of our community. These rigorous tests allowed us to identify and resolve numerous bugs, both in the smart contracts and the user interface, ensuring a more robust and reliable platform for our users.

One of our key accomplishments in terms of security is the implementation of a vital feature: the delisting of currencies. This feature allows us to promptly remove any potentially problematic currencies from our platform, safeguarding the integrity of our ecosystem.

In addition, we implemented a crucial security measure — a circuit breaker mechanism. This mechanism enables us to suspend trading in the event of extreme market conditions, ensuring the safety and stability of our platform. We firmly believe that this proactive measure significantly contributes to the security of our ecosystem and provides our users with enhanced protection against potential risks.

Furthermore, we reworked the liquidation process to make it more effective and flexible, ensuring a smoother experience for our users.

Web Platform and User Experience Updates

Our commitment to providing an exceptional user experience led us to introduce several key improvements to our web platform.

To enhance accessibility and convenience, we added a pre-order screen, allowing users to place orders 48 hours before the market opens. We also streamlined the loan process by enabling users to place loan orders directly from the token vault, eliminating the need to withdraw tokens beforehand.

Moreover, we implemented a responsive design, ensuring that our application performs seamlessly across various devices, including mobile, tablet, and laptop/desktop. This responsiveness empowers our users to engage with our platform effortlessly, regardless of their preferred device.

We continued our efforts to refine the portfolio management section, prioritizing the accuracy of its data. With these improvements, users can better track and manage their investments, gaining greater confidence in their portfolio performance.

The user’s Active Position in the Portfolio Management

New Environment Deployment

Throughout Q2, we maintained regular deployments of the staging environment, allowing our community to stay updated with our progress. We recently migrated from Goerli to Sepolia, reducing gas costs and ensuring easier accessibility to our platform for everyone. As the quarter drew to a close, we conducted extensive testing on this environment, involving the community in the Itayose process. The community’s active participation in this testing phase was invaluable, enabling us to thoroughly assess our Itayose algorithm and make necessary refinements.


We remain steadfast in our commitment to improving and optimizing the Secured Finance platform for the benefit of our community. The achievements and milestones we’ve accomplished during Q2 reflect our dedication to enhancing security, functionality, and user experience.

We extend our gratitude to our community for their unwavering support and engagement. Join us on this exciting journey and continue to be part of the thriving Secured Finance platform. Stay up-to-date with our latest developments by signing up for our platform or following us on social media.

Thank you for your ongoing trust, and we eagerly look forward to the continued growth and success of Secured Finance.

About Secured Finance

Secured Finance is revolutionizing the digital asset landscape by constructing interbank-grade capital markets. Our innovative protocol is designed to offer a secure, flexible, and scalable fixed-income solution for digital assets. Comprised of a team of expert investment bankers, we are committed to integrating traditional finance wisdom into the realm of cryptocurrency and digital assets.

Stay informed and connected with us for further information and updates.

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Reuven Aboulker
Secured Finance

Director of Engineering @ Secured Finance | Web3 | ex-interest rate derivatives financial engineer | ex-technical lead in a top-tier bank