Q1 Update: Digital Strategy Team

Message from Head of Digital Strategy at Secured Finance

Ki Kwon
Secured Finance
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2023


Dear Secured Finance Community Members,

At Secured Finance, we are pleased to reflect on the progress our digital strategy has made over the past several months. It has been a journey filled with growth, innovation, and community building, as we have worked tirelessly to enhance our platform, expand our social media presence, and strengthen our brand identity. In this quarterly update, we will recap the key highlights from each area, showcasing how our team has evolved and adapted to create a compelling digital strategy for Secured Finance.

Platform Development and UI/UX Enhancements

UI/UX is a key component of our digital strategy, and we have been focused on developing a user-friendly, trillion-dollar scale capital markets platform. In 2021, we set the north star vision for our platform user experience and product offerings, and in Q1 2023, we delivered the initial MVP experience to testnet. With our main responsibility in UI/UX, we worked closely with Markets and Engineering to deliver a full trade lifecycle UI with a focus on simplifying and improving the overall user experience. We designed the best possible end-to-end user experience for our initial pilot rollout, including intuitive onboarding experiences, insightful pre-trade market analysis, robust trading capability, and post-trade collateral and portfolio management. We also integrated platform analytics to monitor engagement from our pilot program users and make informed decisions to improve the platform further.

Social Media Footprint Expansion and Building a Strong Web3 Community

In Q1 2023, we accelerated the momentum from Q4 2022 and went full throttle in our efforts to expand our social media footprint and build a strong Web3 community. With the guidance of our resident Web3 Growth expert, we relaunched our Discord server, activated web3 social platforms in Galxe and Guild for our campaigns. Our efforts resulted in impressive growth in our member and follower base, including over 46,000 Twitter followers, 46,000 Discord members, and 37,000 Guild members. Our commitment to building a strong community and expanding our social media presence has allowed us to engage with a wider audience, build deeper relationships with our users, and create more value for our community members.

With this strong growth in Q1, we are now ranked among the top DeFi projects in terms of followers and user engagement, and we will continue to expand our reach and deepen our relationships with our community members in the coming quarters.

Brand Identity Revamp

We are excited to announce that we have completed the revamp of our brand identity, reflecting our position as industry experts in the world of finance, with a passionate pioneering mindset in Web3 and decentralized finance. We have launched our new web address, http://secured.finance, and refreshed our webpage to align with our new brand identity. This transformation better aligns with our image and reputation, reflecting our commitment to innovation and growth in the industry.

We are also thrilled to share that we are in the final stages of producing and releasing our official video, which will tell the compelling story of our project and showcase our mission to revolutionize the future of finance. Stay tuned for the unveiling of our official video.

Connecting Digital to Live Events

At Secured Finance, we believe that building strong relationships and connecting with our community is just as important as delivering a top-notch digital platform. Our digital strategy team is committed to creating exceptional in-person experiences for our clients and supporters, and we are excited to announce that we will be attending several upcoming events in Tokyo, including ETHGlobal Tokyo and DeFi meets TradFi. These events will provide us with valuable opportunities to connect with industry leaders, innovative engineers, and future clients, and gather feedback on our latest platform developments. Our team is proud to host and partner in DeFi events, bringing together strategic participants across Web3, Governance, and Finance. We invite you to join us and experience our platform firsthand, while connecting with our talented Secured Finance representatives. We look forward to seeing you there!


We are proud of the progress that we have made in Q1 2023 and are excited about the future of Secured Finance. As we move forward into the next quarter, our Secured Finance team remains committed to building on our achievements and further expanding our reach. We are dedicated to creating innovative solutions for the trillion-dollar scale capital markets and fostering deeper connections with our users, clients, investors, and community members.

Thank you for your support, and see you in the next quarterly update.

Digital Strategy Team

About Secured Finance

Secured Finance is revolutionizing the digital asset landscape by constructing interbank-grade capital markets. Our innovative protocol is designed to offer a secure, flexible, and scalable fixed-income solution for digital assets. Comprised of a team of expert investment bankers, we are committed to integrating traditional finance wisdom into the realm of cryptocurrency and digital assets.

Stay informed and connected with us for further information and updates.

Secured Finance Official Links
Website | Twitter | GitHub | Galxe | Link3 | Guild



Ki Kwon
Secured Finance

Head of Digital Strategy at Secured Finance. A hands-on innovator and digital transformation specialist with a background across Wall Street, Tech, and Web3.