Q1 Update: Engineering Team

Message from Director of Engineering at Secured Finance

Reuven Aboulker
Secured Finance
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2023


Dear Secured Finance Community Members,

I’m excited to share with our community the progress we’ve made during the first quarter of 2023. We’ve worked hard to improve our platform and user experience and are thrilled to share our achievements and milestones with you.

I proudly announce that we went live on the Ethereum Goerli network! This new environment allows us to better test and validate our smart contracts in a more secure and reliable environment. While still in early beta, we’re excited about this milestone and its potential for future development.

In this update, we’ll share the key improvements we’ve made to our smart contract, web platform, and user experience, highlight our achievements and milestones, and provide insight into our plans and goals for the future. We’re grateful to our community for their continued support and involvement in the Secured Finance platform, and we’re committed to delivering the best possible experience for our users.

Let’s dive in and explore what we’ve accomplished during this first quarter of 2023.

Team Update

At Secured Finance, we’re always looking to grow and strengthen our team. We’re excited to welcome two new engineers, Masayuki-san and Riya, this quarter.

We’re thrilled to have them both on board and look forward to seeing what they’ll accomplish in the future. Their contributions have already helped us improve our platform, and we’re excited to have them as part of the Secured Finance team.

Development Update

We made substantial updates to our codebase, focusing on adding great features, but also testing and improving the existing ones.

Smart Contract Updates

In our quest to improve the smart contract functionality, we have made remarkable progress across several aspects. One of our key achievements is the successful implementation of fees for the auto-roll feature, which ensures a sustainable revenue stream. We have also developed a method to unwind positions, offering users greater flexibility in managing their investments.

Our team has focused on refining the auto-roll rate logic, resulting in more stable and consistent platform performance. Moreover, we have emphasised the platform’s long-term sustainability by establishing a reserve fund.

Our development team has rigorously tested the protocol and auto-roll functionality throughout this process, resulting in many integration tests and bug fixes.

Secured Finance Simple Experience

Web Platform and User Experience Updates

We’ve been focused on improving the user experience and fixing bugs in our web platform.

We implemented a faucet to allow users to test the platform, polished the application, and fixed numerous bugs. We also added a market dashboard, which displays on-chain metrics such as the number of users, total value locked (TVL), and volume. This provides users with greater insight into the performance of our protocol.

Additionally, we redesigned our portfolio management section, which now includes an Active Contract view with open positions by currency and contract, Order History, and Transaction History for better tracking and monitoring of investments.

Lastly, we added protocol metrics with The Graph for improved insights and accuracy, and updated the APR calculation for accurate yield representations.

New Environment Deployment

As mentioned, we went live on the Ethereum Goerli network during the first quarter of 2023. This public environment will receive our latest updates, and our community can start using it to see a preview of our work. All those new features and improvements can be seen and used in this environment.

Although it is more stable than our development environment, it can be reset anytime to update our smart contract.


These updates represent our commitment to constantly improve and optimise our platform for the benefit of our users. We’re excited about our progress during the first quarter of 2023 and we will continue to refine and expand our platform to better serve our users.

We invite our community to join us on this journey and to continue supporting the Secured Finance platform. Sign up for our platform or follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our latest developments.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to continuing to grow and improve with you.

About Secured Finance

Secured Finance is revolutionizing the digital asset landscape by constructing interbank-grade capital markets. Our innovative protocol is designed to offer a secure, flexible, and scalable fixed-income solution for digital assets. Comprised of a team of expert investment bankers, we are committed to integrating traditional finance wisdom into the realm of cryptocurrency and digital assets.

Stay informed and connected with us for further information and updates.

Secured Finance Official Links
Website | Twitter | GitHub | Galxe | Link3 | Guild



Reuven Aboulker
Secured Finance

Director of Engineering @ Secured Finance | Web3 | ex-interest rate derivatives financial engineer | ex-technical lead in a top-tier bank