Revolutionizing DeFi: Unfolding Secured Finance’s Unique Features (1)

Mastering Standardised Zero-Coupon Bond Trading

Kenji Mitsusada
Secured Finance
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2023



Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is a revolutionary realm continually in flux, offering an innovative landscape that strives to transform the financial world. One of the pioneering players in this evolution is Secured Finance, a trailblazing DeFi platform that is set on a mission to innovate the space by unveiling groundbreaking solutions to combat liquidity challenges and presenting a new pathway for fixed-income investments. The first of these forward-thinking initiatives is the integration of zero-coupon bond trading.

Zero-Coupon Bonds: A Primer

A unique class of bonds, zero-coupon bonds, also known as ZC Bonds, present a different perspective on bond trading. In contrast to conventional bonds, they do not offer interest or coupon payments throughout their lifecycle. They are issued at a discount to their face value and mature at the full face value. Investors gain from the difference between the purchase price and the bond’s face value at maturity. This distinctive feature sets them apart from traditional bonds as they offer a return as a capital gain at the maturity date, bypassing periodic interest payments.

Secured Finance: The Birthplace of Zero-Coupon Bonds in DeFi

Harnessing the robust capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain, Secured Finance has successfully curated a robust, transparent, and cost-effective platform for peer-to-peer lending and derivatives trading. Its introduction of zero-coupon bonds into the DeFi arena is a monumental step towards establishing a fixed-income capital market within the blockchain ecosystem.

In the world of Secured Finance, zero-coupon bonds conform to a fixed-maturity standard. This standardization simplifies settlements and calculations, consequently reducing gas costs, a crucial aspect for participants in blockchain transactions. By linking the loan price directly to the discount factor for maturity, interim interest payments become unnecessary, thereby simplifying the process and reducing complexity.

This unique design bears a resemblance to the conventions of existing centralized exchanges, which further guarantees efficient trading and hedging activities while consolidating liquidity in the secondary market. This feature is a significant advantage as it bridges the gap between traditional financial systems and the emerging world of DeFi.

Deciphering the Interplay between APR and Price Dynamics

In the financial landscape, the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a pivotal indicator. It represents the annual yield derived from the ZC bond price and is instrumental in understanding the pricing dynamics of zero-coupon bonds on the Secured Finance platform. The distinctive characteristic of these bonds is that they do not provide recurring interest; the return is primarily from the difference between the purchase price and the face value at maturity.

Let’s take an illustrative example. Suppose you buy a one-year ZC bond at 80 that matures at 100. Your gain is 20 on an initial investment of 80. Consequently, the APR is calculated as 20/80, which translates to 25%. This simple calculation underlines the profitability of your investment and guides your investment decisions.

On the Secured Finance platform, prices fluctuate between 0 and 100, with maturity occurring at 100. This means that even an identical price will show a higher APR as it nears maturity. A profound understanding of this correlation between the APR, bond price, and market interest rates is crucial for investors to make informed decisions about when to buy or liquidate these zero-coupon bonds.


The incorporation of zero-coupon bonds in Secured Finance opens up a compelling investment opportunity. It forges a new path for fixed-income investments in the DeFi space, offering a viable alternative to the limitations of the conventional financial system.

Participating effectively in Secured Finance requires a deep understanding of the mechanics of zero-coupon bonds and their interplay with the APR and price behavior. This understanding ensures that users can make informed decisions and use the platform efficiently.

As DeFi continues its evolutionary journey, platforms like Secured Finance are spearheading the movement by introducing progressive ideas and strategies that have the potential to redefine the boundaries of digital finance.

Stay tuned for our next article, where we will dive into Secured Finance’s unique auto-rolling feature. This innovative feature is engineered to automatically roll matured positions into the nearest orderbook, ensuring a seamless and convenient trading experience for investors.

In the dynamic, fast-paced world of DeFi, being well-informed is the key to maximizing your investments. Until our next exploration of Secured Finance features, happy trading!

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Kenji Mitsusada
Secured Finance

Head of Markets @ Secured Finance. 18 years of interest rate derivatives trading experience. Former Co-Head of G10 FX Forwards and STIR Trader at Goldman Sachs