Secured Finance in Tokyo

Timo Lee
Secured Finance
5 min readMay 6, 2023


Product launch, Hackathon, Symposium, User Onboarding.

Photo by Louie Martinez on Unsplash

The blockchain community’s most exciting time of the year was there, as thousands of developers and Web3 enthusiasts gathered in Tokyo for a week of hackathons, seminars, activities, and parties. Secured Finance was thrilled to sponsor ETHGlobal and co-host several events like TradFi meets DeFi in Tokyo.

ETHGlobal Pragma Summit, April 13th (speaker)

Product announcement at Pragma Summit

Secured Finance Founder & CEO Masa Kikuchi spoke at the Pragma Summit alongside esteemed opinion leaders such as Juan Benet, Balaji Srinivasan, and Stani Kulechov, hosted by ETHGlobal. During the summit, we made a product announcement that received much positive attention to the launch of a Test-pilot program.

The community’s response to the Test-pilot program was overwhelming, with over 8,000 users connecting their decentralized wallets and beginning to trade on the platform in April. This remarkable growth is a testament to Secured Finance’s vision and the team’s dedication to making the DeFi ecosystem accessible to everyone.

ETHGlobal Hackathon, April 14–16th (sponsor, prize)

ETHGlobal Tokyo Hackathon

Secured Finance was a proud strategic partner of the ETHGlobal Tokyo hackathon, providing a prize pool and supporting the event. As a company born from an ETHGlobal hackathon, we are committed to giving back to the community and helping nurture new talent in the Web3 space.

The ETHGlobal hackathon is a gateway for developers to enter the Web3 ecosystem, and this year’s event in Tokyo was a huge success, with over 1500 attendees, 1070 hackers, and 311 new projects submitted. With 33 ecosystem partners, the hackathon built amazing technology for Web3.

During the final judging session, we were thrilled to see eight hackers’ projects apply for our prize pool, including the best DeFi, best UI/UX, and finance awards. We were honored to award the Interest Carry-Trade Arbitrageur hackers team, and it was inspiring to see so many innovative ideas come out of the hackathon.

Kartik, the Co-founder at ETHGlobal, highly appraised our support of the event, recognizing our commitment to nurturing new talent in the Web3 space. Overall, Secured Finance was delighted to be a part of the ETHGlobal ecosystem and to have the opportunity to support and recognize the next generation of Web3 innovators.

TradFi meets DeFi, April 22nd (co-host, speaker)

Exploring the Future of Finance through Web3

TradFi meets DeFi symposium

We co-hosted the “DeFi meets TradFi” symposium with the dYdX Foundation under the support of CoinDesk Japan, which examined the future of finance through Web3 technology. The event began with keynotes from Mr. Shiozaki, LDP web3PT secretary general, Juan Benet, founder of Protocol Labs, and Charles d’Haussy, CEO at dYdX Foundation. This gathering was particularly significant as it brought together DeFi founders, TradFi experts, regulators, and lawyers to discuss financial regulations that can pave the way for DeFi’s growth. With Web3 being established as a key component of the Japanese government’s growth strategy, it has attracted considerable attention.

Speakers & Panelists:
Akihisa Shiozaki
: Japan Liberal Democratic Party, Web3PT secretary general
Juan Benet: Founder & CEO of Protocol Labs
Charles d’Haussy:
CEO of dYdX Foundation
Masakazu Kikuchi
: Founder & CEO of Secured Finance AG
Hideaki Kudo: Executive Director, Digital Asset Promotion Office at Nomura Holdings, Inc.
Yuji Kawada: Senior Researcher at Mitsubishi Research Institute
Masafumi Masuda: Partner Attorney at Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Law Office
Midori Kanemitsu: Head of Crypto Strategy Dept. at bitFlyer Inc.

Overall, the symposium was a fantastic opportunity to explore the potential applications of Web3 and the challenges posed by regulation and diffusion. It also made big traction to onboard institutional users to Secured Finance platform. Seeing so many industry leaders come together to share their insights and experiences was so great.

DeFi Tokyo, April 12th (co-host, panelist)

On April 12th, we co-hosted “DeFi Tokyo: Derivatives, Leverage, and Real World Assets” with a group of leading DeFi companies, including Cega Protocol, dYdX, Quantstamp, and Infinity Pools. The event brought together key opinion leaders and industry-leading founders to discuss developments and future DeFi space adaptations.

The discussions at the event centered around the intersection of DeFi and real-world assets, with a particular focus on derivatives and leverage. Panelists explored the opportunities and challenges of bringing real-world assets onto the blockchain and the potential impact of DeFi on traditional finance.

FIL-Hong Kong Summit, April 12th (speaker)

DeFi showcase day at FIL-Hong Kong Summit

Before joining Tokyo, we were invited to speak at the Filecoin DeFi showcase day at FIL-Hong Kong Summit. The summit was a fantastic opportunity for the company to showcase its platform and share its vision with the Filecoin community. We provide long-term and fixed-income solutions for Filecoin stakeholders through our decentralized lending and borrowing platform. Our innovative solution is solving the Filecoin SPs with real demand of Filecoin network upfront payment liquidity issues. The company’s innovative approach to the DeFi capital market is truly exciting, and it was inspiring to see such positive feedback from the summit attendees.

Next step

We have been making waves by participating in several events across Tokyo and Hong Kong, showcasing our commitment to launching the product, expanding the DeFi ecosystem, and establishing ourselves as a leading player in the capital markets for crypto.

As next, we are joining ETHGlobal Lisbon Hackathon. We are also preparing for a talk in Oxford, UK. Please follow our Twitter and join our Discord community to stay tuned with us. And don’t forget to start trading on our test platform.

Secured Finance Official Links
Website | Twitter | GitHub | Galxe | Link3 | Guild



Timo Lee
Secured Finance

👨‍💻 Community Lead @Secured Finance | 🚀 Contributor to Decentralized Web and DeFi