
Test Pilot V1 Training Program

Enhance your trading skills and compete with expert traders through our user-friendly training program

Secured Finance Official
Secured Finance
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2023



In March 2023, we launched our Secured Finance Protocol on the Ethereum Goerli testnet. Coordinated with the launch, we have released our 1) Concept Paper, explaining the innovative design of our new markets inspired by the history of traditional finance, 2) White Paper, addressing the challenges of decentralized finance (DeFi), and 3) a WebApp, highlighting the opportunities we provide to users. Our objective is to open the interbank-grade market to everyone and offer our users a comprehensive training and testing environment. We aim to educate novice users, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to trade against institutional investors and generate profits comparable to those of hedge fund managers.

To achieve this, we introduce the Test Pilot V1 Training Program with step-by-step guides. The term “V1” refers to the speed at which an airplane commits to fly, while “V2” represents the speed required for takeoff, symbolizing users’ readiness for professional trading. In V1, users will learn how to use crypto wallets to interact with smart contracts on the blockchain through our web app and practice collateral management and lending/borrowing using a simple user interface. In V2, we will unveil more advanced techniques.

Join us in exploring the Secured Finance Protocol and unlocking your trading potential in an accessible and engaging way.

On-Chain Achievement Token (OAT) Campaign

To incentivize users and celebrate their progress, we have launched an On-Chain Achievement Token (OAT) campaign. Upon completion of the training program, users will receive an OAT, a non-fungible token (NFT), as a certificate of completion. These tokens recognize your achievements and may provide access to exclusive rewards and opportunities within the Secured Finance ecosystem.

Exclusive OAT Credential at

Follow the guides below, complete the Test Pilot V1 Training Program, and get your OAT today!

Step-by-Step Guide Series

DeFi Apps Onboarding Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps you need to take to start using DeFi apps. You’ll learn how to set up your MetaMask wallet, connect it to DeFi apps, and get test ETH from Sepolia faucets.

You’ll learn how to set up your MetaMask wallet, connect it to DeFi apps, and get test ETH from Goerli faucets. (We have moved to Sepolia!)

  1. Setting up MetaMask Wallet
  2. Connecting Your Wallet
  3. Getting Test ETH from Goerli Faucets (We have moved to Sepolia!)
  4. Getting Test ETH from Sepolia Faucets

Secured Finance User Guide

This guide will show you how to use Secured Finance, a platform for borrowing and lending cryptocurrency. Using a simple UI, you’ll learn how to prepare test tokens for practice, manage collateral, and borrow or lend.

  1. Preparing Test Tokens for Practice
  2. Collateral Management
  3. Borrowing with Simple UI
  4. Lending with Simple UI


The Test Pilot V1 Training Program is a crucial first step in empowering users to trade on the Secured Finance Protocol. By completing the program and earning your OAT, you’ll gain valuable skills and be recognized for your efforts. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your trading experience and join the growing community of users unlocking the potential of decentralized finance.

Join the Test Pilot V1 Certificate campaign now and take the first step towards mastering the Secured Finance Protocol!

Secured Finance Official Links
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