GCC — Cybersecurity, Data Protection Regulations, Standards, and Frameworks

Reghu Mohandas


The below is a list of various Cyber Security/Data protection regulations, standards and frameworks published/applicable in the region. This was compiled by the team at SecureLink and we thought we should make it available in public.

We hope that you can also provide us with updates and suggestions if any regulation/ standard/ framework has been missed from the below. We have provided the links that were available and working at the time of the publishing of this post, however, if any link is not working, please let us know in the comments and we will try to find the latest updated one.

SecureLink provides consulting services around all of the above authoritative documents, in addition, we also help you in building a Unified Compliance Framework UCF©which can be a single source of truth for all your compliance requirements. In addition to the above, the UCF covers over 800 other authoritative sources like ISO/NIST, etc.

If you would like to know more, please attend the webinar scheduled on June 18th, 2020 by registering on the link here.

