How should I flaunt my fitness — Garmin is down.

Sriram Uppalapati


Friday 24th July — I was getting ready for my morning run and realized that my Garmin Connect app was offline. I finished my run; my app was still not syncing. I checked online and realized that app was down on maintenance and later that day it was confirmed that it was under a ransomware attack. All the services went offline. As of today, the app is still under maintenance.

Garmin has notified that customer data has not been affected. Bleeping computer states that the WastedLocker Ransomware attack was the reason for the incident at Garmin. WastedLocker is a relatively new ransomware. The ransomware itself is custom-built for each client. This is how it works:

  • Deletes shadow copies, which are the default backups made by the Windows OS.
  • The main executable for the ransomware is copied to the system folder and gets elevated permissions
  • A service is created that runs during encryption.
  • During encryption, the encrypted files are renamed with Wasted extension, and the ransom notes are created.
  • A log file is created that lists the number of targeted files, the number of encrypted files, and the number of files that were not encrypted due to access rights issues.
  • The service is stopped and deleted.

Do I need to be worried about my personal data, or my contact list, or credit card information since I was using Garmin pay?

Research published by Transforma Insights revealed that the number of active IoT devices globally is expected to grow from 7.6 billion in 2019 to 24.1 billion in 2030.

Will we see more such cyber attacks on IoT devices in the days to come?

Since Garmin is still under maintenance, how do I flaunt my daily run :P



Sriram Uppalapati

Director — Cyber Security and Risk Advisory Services