The last project you’ll create manually

how to automate your boilerplate tailor-made to your needs

Matan Golan


The world of micro-services changed the way developers think, code and manage their workspaces, suddenly new services popup on a weekly basis. When I started working at SecureNative the roadmap was pretty clear, we’ll need to manage thousands of different micro-services, sprint after sprint I was doing the same job for every new micro-service. So I started looking for tools to automate this tedious process, some had a steep learning curve, some didn’t work for us (feature-wise) and some were very opinionated.

So we did what developers does best, write a piece of code to automate it. Two weeks later packman was born, packman is a cli-tool built with extensibility and simpleness in mind, we use it intensively at SecureNative for the past 8 months and we have a wide range of templates that solves different problem.

In this article I’ll try to explain to you what is packman and even more important how it works… we’ll do it Tarantino-style, breaking it into unrelated parts hoping that you get a closure at the end of this article :)

Part 1: The Template Engine

