The Challenge Begins: Week 2 of SecureSet Cybersecurity Bootcamp

SecureSet Academy
Command Line
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2019


CORE Graduate, Kimberly Decker, shares an authentic student perspective of her experience and growth at SecureSet Academy.

If you’re looking at SecureSet Academy as an option for cybersecurity education, checking out our website and free events is a great way to start. Both will give you a better look at our immersive education model, as well as our overall mission of securing the future. But what if you want an inside, student perspective on Academy life? What is taking an immersive really like? SecureSet Academy alumna, Kimberly Decker, is ready to give you the inside scoop. Catch up on week 1 here.

Kimberly Decker is a CORE program graduate, who documented her time at SecureSet Academy during her 20-week immersive. Kimberly’s goal was to give “an authentic student perspective of her experience and growth at SecureSet Academy.” We’ve decided to compile Kimberly’s blog posts and publish them in a series, giving you a behind the scenes look at what it’s like to take an immersive at SecureSet Academy. If you’re looking to find out what academy life looks and feels like, you’ve come to the right place.

Week 2

When I was considering whether SecureSet Academy offered the right cybersecurity program for me, I searched extensively for some type of detailed review about the experience. Unable to find such a resource, I decided that I might attempt to fill this void. As I write this short article, I have just completed weeks 1 and 2 of the program, and believe I am finally acclimated to (1) getting up before 6 am, (2) absorbing an incredible amount of important cybersecurity knowledge for 8 straight hours, Monday through Friday, and (3) filling in the gaps from class in the evening and weekend hours.

There is an incredibly diverse group of students in my cohort: from young, sharp technical guns, to very experienced professionals and former military veterans. When in such close contact for many hours every day, you really start to see how everyone has unique strengths and you gain confidence by knowing that you can increase your own learning by leveraging their expertise.

We focused on Networking and Systems coursework over weeks 1 and 2, with the goal being to bring everyone up to the same level before starting on intensive coursework in topics such as security, cryptography, and threat analysis as well as governance and compliance. It was a very exciting, challenging, and educational two weeks! I very much appreciate the knowledge and support imparted by the teaching staff, but that doesn’t mean I fully understood every concept that was taught. I write notes about topics that I need to better comprehend, and then I go home to independently work on filling in those gaps. I believe this strategy will be crucial to my success in the program.

To be continued with Week 3 …

About the Author

Kimberly Decker graduated from the SecureSet CORE immersive as part of the Spring 2018 cohort. Before her time at the academy, Kimberly earned her Ph.D. in molecular biology at the University of Colorado. Kimberly spent years conducting scientific research, as well as working in the software industry. Kimberly has seen several job opportunities come her way since graduating from the Academy, currently working as a security program coordinator at Ping Identity, in Denver Colorado.

If you’re interested in starting a career in cybersecurity, our CORE, HUNT and PATH immersives can get you there in less than a year. Visit to learn more about our cybersecurity workshops, immersive programs and free cyber events.

Did you miss Week 1 of this series? Catch up on Kimberly’s story here.

