Is it safe to use a password manager?

I always get asked this question “Is it safe to use a password manager??

Short answer is, it depends.

Some of the reasons to start using a password manager are listed below:

  • We have too many accounts on the internet, keeping track of accounts becomes difficult
  • Having many accounts brings the
  • If the same password is used across all sites, then you are exposing yourself to password spray attacks.
  • Your passwords cannot have a pattern, because once someone finds it out they can use it to guess your other passwords. For instance, if your password pattern is sitename.somechars, for every site you change the sitename and somechars remain the same, then guessing your password becomes easy.

The best way to protect your accounts on websites is to:

  • Use passphrases, e.g. “I like to drive my 911 after dinner”
  • Random passwords, that are more than 12 characters long (If you are on a windows system, passwords greater than 12 characters ensure passwords are not cached, search the internet for Lanmanager and password caching)

Now the question is how do you track this?

