STM Featured Community Member of the Month #2: Jason Younker a.k.a yonks | August 2022

Jackson Blau
5 min readAug 2, 2022


At Security Token Market, our community is everything to us. As you may have seen yesterday, we have begun to help shed even more light on the security token space but more specifically our community members through our Featured Community Members of the Month.

These individuals have been selected for their high engagement, drive, their active participation in our Discord and the amazing perspective they bring to the security token space.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to share with you a little bit about Luís Miguel Aleixo and how he is doing incredible things over in Australia tokenizing residential real estate. If you missed it, feel free to check out that article here.

To continue our series, today I am going to share with you another invaluable community member. His name is…

Jason Younker a.k.a yonks

Jason was born in Missouri, the “Show Me State”, but has been in Colorado since late 90’s and considers it “home” now. He and his wife are now full-time travelers but currently spend most of their time between the Denver Metro Area and Cincinnati area.

As a serial entrepreneur, Jason started learning about crypto in 2021-Q2, he quickly saw the huge opportunity that exists within Real Estate + DAOs + Blockchain technology. He promptly started asking “crypto OGs” and blockchain experts if there were any DAOs in real estate.

After receiving a stark, “no”, REtoken DAO was born as a Wyoming DAO LLC on July 26th, 2021. REToken DAO then planned a Regulation Crowdfunding (RegCF) Offering for 2022-Q3 that was approved in October 2021. REtokenDAO is a web3 community where they plan on doing real estate tokenization offerings for equitable housing.

It was just before this that Jason had the chance to catch up with the STM team at Vertalo’s 1st Digital Assets & Securities Conference in Austin, TX in Sep-2021. They immediately connected on the mutual belief that security tokens are the best way to introduce real estate to blockchain here in the US.

Jason’s thread from the conference

Let’s get into what REtoken is and why it is such an exciting project within the blockchain real estate intersection. The project is founded on the principles of being fully community owned and operated, unprecedentedly transparent, committed to best industry practices, and developing win/win/win projects as well will go into further shortly

REtoken DAO aims to become recognized as “The Real Estate DAO” and become the most prominent and globally recognized Real Estate Tokenization brand. In the process of doing so, they will create and offer a recurring multilingual educational virtual summit that will be delivered for free. Furthermore, they plan to develop a 3-tiered Fractionalized real estate certificate program.

Their flagship project is TokenTown | The HOA Destroyer, and can be described as,

“a solution for the Global Affordable Housing Crisis. A ‘next-gen’ HOA governed by a DAO. It will be capitalized using security tokens and primarily include net positive energy housing using solar products from the US. The extra energy generated will be utilized for powering [the houses]“

With this flagship project they are raising awareness and exploring the opportunities that blockchain provides in real estate via their monthly Blockchain Bootcamp for Real Estate 101 online event.

As previously mentioned, one of the founding principles of REtoken DAO is to develop win/win/win projects. Jason has further expanded on his vision of creating scenarios, projects, investments, and ultimately ecosystems that promote win/win/win thinking by founding 3winDAO. 3winDAO is a DAO Ecosystem that we are building with the primary mission of creating more Equitable Housing.

As one can see, not only is Jason an expert in both blockchain and real estate, but he is an active advocate and founder of community based projects. Whether it be DAO’s or security tokens, community is a crucial aspect abundant in all aspects of blockchain that allow for us to create these win/win/win scenarios that Jason references. Here at STM we are so happy to have Jason as an engaged member of our community and we are looking forward to tracking the progress he makes in his various blockchain based projects!

DAO’s and security tokens have their respective places within the Web3 ecosystem but sometimes the line between DAO tokens and security tokens can be blurred. Jason actually referenced our Security Token Show #117 where we delve into this as our main topic as his favorite STM content!

We got the chance to ask Jason a little more about himself and why blockchain excites him! Below you will find his response:

(Jackson) Q: What do you think are the largest benefits of blockchain technology and tokenization?

(Jason) A:

1) Reduces the barriers of entry to real estate ownership on a global scale.

2) Provides unique opportunities for tokenized deal makers to develop win / win / win situations.

3) Reduces operating expenses overhead on a monthly basis with the distributed ledger technology.

(Jackson) Q: What are your favorite blockchain projects?

(Jason) A:

1) We are very excited about continuing to provide Blockchain Bootcamp for Real Estate 101, an NFT “one year pass”, and building upon that foundation by developing a Fractionalized Real Estate Certificate Program, also delivered via an NFT

2) Stepn, a “Move-To-Earn” web3 app that has provided me with Fitness Motivation. I believe that this app could go down in the “history books” as a “killer crypto app” credited for the mass adoption of crypto

3) is revolutionizing investment clubs by leveraging Web3 technology and capital raising structures together to produce accessible, effortless, and social investment opportunities.

(Jackson) Q: Where can we find you?

(Jason) A:

Twitter Profiles:





REtoken DAO


Blockchain Bootcamp for Real Estate 101

Check back at this time tomorrow the the introduction to our next Featured Community Member and don’t forget to tune in on Thursday, August 4th, at 4:30PM EST, to the AMA in our Discord Channel with Jason and our other two featured members.

Join the STM Discord server here!

Here we will get a chance to take with all three featured members and once ask them any questions we may have about themselves and their projects, their paths and how they got involved in blockchain, and anything else you may be itching to ask these extraordinary individuals!

If you have any questions about the event join the Discord and send away, I’ll get back to you shortly.

