Effectively Marketing Your STO

Security Token Offering
5 min readFeb 18, 2020

Security token offerings or STOs as they are commonly abbreviated represent the perfect confluence of new technology, like blockchain, with traditional elements of regulation and trustworthiness. As the name implies, security tokens are backed by real assets and they are bound to comply with the regulations of the securities and exchange commission (SEC).

Creating an STO is a cumbersome task in itself. It involves extensive coding and a thorough understanding of the regulatory requirements governing the offering. The SEC states a lot of regulations and exceptions for offering security tokens. In most cases, it is offered to accredited investors and is sometimes open to general investors.

Getting these accredited investors to know about your STO lies in ineffective marketing. STO marketing can be divided into three stages. The first stage, interestingly, starts at the very time when you start to conceptualize your offering. The next stage is just before the launch of your STO. The final stage happens when you run your offering. Even after that, you will need to have a few marketing activities running, called the post STO marketing.

When you have the concept…

Ask any expert, and they will tell you that any STO marketing starts with an effective white paper. A white paper contains information about the legal regulations and compliances, enabling investors to make the right decisions and invest accordingly. It should include the vital bits of information regarding technology, finance, and commerce, written in an exceptionally professional language.

The white paper has to be complemented by a simple one-page document that offers a high-level overview of the STO. It is commonly referred to as the one-pager. The one-pager should function like a pamphlet providing convincing reasons for the investors to invest in your project.

Just like any other business, it is vital to have a website. However, it has to be ensured that your website complies with the security requirements — having a secure protocol “HTTPS” ensures that you win the trust of your investors.

Your idea needs to be simple to understand, and the most effective way to ensure the simplicity is to explain it to your friends who are not involved in technology. If you have difficulty in making them understand, you will have to consider simplifying your idea. It has to be understood that most investors might not have the essential technical skillset to understand the intricacies of your STO.

The traditional methods of marketing, like blog writing and search engine optimization, also need to be considered. Search optimization, as you may have known, is the art and science of bringing up the rankings of your website on search engines for relevant search queries. You can hire a professional digital marketing agency specializing in SEO to understand your business requirements and execute the needful.

As an extension of search optimization, you can also consider guest blogging. It is a marketing technique where you contribute an article to another person’s blog, which helps in gaining exposure and building authority. It also helps in getting useful backlinks from a search optimization perspective.

When you are ready to launch…

The best way to get your STO to be known to a lot of relevant people is through extensive media outreach and press releases. You can write an article and have it published by press release websites, or you can choose to pay a website and have the article written by them. In addition, there are also specialized forms that have a lot of engagement from crypto enthusiasts and investors. You can also consider marking your presence in those areas.

Getting your STO listed on websites that specialize in STO listing would be a great leap forward in gaining visibility in the right aliens. While you post your STO, you have to ensure that the white paper, the regulations, the KYC/AML services, the website, the important dates and the roadmap are properly described.

You can also get visibility and engagement on social media platforms. Like most crypto projects, the best social media platforms that you can engage your audience in our Twitter, Reddit, Telegram, and Steemit. In addition to this, you can also run video campaigns. The presence of video platforms like YouTube greatly helps in this regard.

When you’re running your STO…

In essence, your STO is a deal struck by your investors. Therefore, you should be an expert in explaining your idea to them. You should also be in a position to answer complicated questions that they might ask. In all of this, it should be remembered that confidential information should be kept confidential at any cost.

You can also consider networking with the right people. It not only helps you find potential investors but also helps in establishing credibility and trustworthiness for your STO.

Some investors and influencers deserve a free token because they will do the needful to promote it! You can consider airdropping promotional tokens to influencers or to people who will be able to execute tasks to make your STO better.

You will also need to be active on forums relating to STOs, cryptocurrency, and investments.

After you’ve run your STO…

After all the tokens have been sold out, you will need to list your STO on an exchange period. That is when the investors will start to realize the profit of your project. Some exchanges charge exorbitant prices to get your STO listed. Networking can help you in this regard. You will need to have the name of your token, the symbol, the value and a whole lot of other bits of information about your talk in handy.


It is quite evident that STO is the order of the future because it provides better liquidity and accessibility without compromising on security. Should you have any intention to 🚀 launch your own STO, 🚀 you can get in touch with companies that have exhibited their expertise in business and technology.

