ICO Development for Your Cryptocurrency Venture

Security Token Offering
4 min readFeb 3, 2022

ICOs or Initial Coin Offerings are funding generated using cryptocurrencies. This type of offering has been a trend for startups who work in the cryptocurrency and blockchain domain. In this mode of funding, entrepreneurs create tokens or coins of cryptocurrency and sell it to investors or speculators for legal tender or more prominent cryptocurrencies like Ether or Cardano's. Due to some scamming incidents which resulted in ICOs being banned or legal regulations being revisited and revised. Still, they can still be a great way to raise capital for your company if your deeds are genuine and you work with a team of experts to get assistance during every stage of your ICO.

ICOs can either be private or public. As the name suggests, private ICOs have a limit for investors and can put up qualifications for people to be able to become an investor. On the other hand, public ICOs are open to everyone and anyone can buy tokens of a company. But, public ICOs are not very popular due to regulatory measures and lesser knowledge on blockchain applications.

Stages in ICO Development

A novel concept like ICOs has a lot of delicate factors to be considered while developing and so the process has been divided into two stages — The pre-ICO Launch phase and Post-ICO Launch phase. A professional company specializing in ICO development can aid you with generating funds for your startup idea.

Pre-ICO Launch Development

Before any ICO gets launched, there are a few parameters that a company needs to concentrate on. Dedicated companies working on ICO development can assist you with all the necessary steps. Any ICO should feature a whitepaper, where the company formally shows its missions and roadmap to prospective investors to attract funds. In addition to this, companies also campaign on social media to garner attention and pitching in their idea to a possible investor. Also, marketing your ICO is a necessary step if you are planning to sell tokens to the public. Irrespective of the nature of your ICO (public or private), having a neat prospectus is important so that investors can understand the benefits of your product. Creating community channels, technical setup for marketing and token distribution is an important factor too when dealing with ICOs. Building a landing page is important if you are sending out invite emails to people promoting your ICO. Firms offering ICO development services also would be in touch with you in case you have queries and they can also assist in the development of relevant smart contracts and add-ons according to your requirements.

Post-ICO Launch Development

Once you have launched your ICOs, there are more factors that you would need your attention, as this involves instances where the clients are of paramount importance. Your ICO tokens or coins should be listed on exchanges and merchant platforms to gather the attention of people. Also, you should ensure that there is some sort of volatility for your tokens so that in the long run, they are protected and in the event of any risks, they are mitigated smoothly.

You should also ensure that you have robust software that employs blockchain technology so that your cryptocurrency venture functions smoothly and securely for a long time. Upon this stage, it depends on how your cryptocurrency functions in the market so that liquidity can be regulated accordingly and the worth of your tokens could then ramp up.

How should I Proceed Now?

If you have read until here and think that the capital required for your cryptocurrency venture could be fulfilled by creating ICOs, there is not a lot you need to do. You just need to approach a firm working on ICO development to assist you in making your idea to reality. Services offered by a good ICO development company would include both pre-launch development as well as post-launch development. Some established firms in ICO development can offer marketing services via various social media platforms and even help with legal advice in addition to developing ICOs for your venture. It is best to work with such a company as they can reduce the time taken to launch your ICO, as multiple companies are not involved in assisting with various facets. Also, you would have expert assistance both before and after the launch of your ICO tokens on any issue pertaining to your ICOs.

