Initial Game Offering — New epoch in NFT Gaming space

Security Token Offering
4 min readJan 11, 2022

The exposure of the Gaming industry is eventually larger. With the smart handset, people have hand-made more than 3.4 billion gamers engaging the gaming industry all over the world. This makes the gaming industry an iconic and legendary ecosystem. There are many evolutions taking place in the gaming ecosystem, from 2-dimensional gaming to open-world 3d structure games is a clear example of the greater evolutions. The gaming industry is now filled and evolved with high-end graphics, attractive assets, and iconic characters.

The Idea of Bringing those assets into a tradable format is the birth of the NFT gaming platform. And the idea didn’t stop just at making them exclusive. As an addendum, the IGO has now started gearing up all the efficiency of the NFT gaming platform in one line to reap the greater affluence in the crypto space efficiently. Initial Game Offering will now encourage the many new projects to get shined conveniently.

Initial Game Offering — Fervor of NFT in gaming

IGO can actually create a greater flow to new gaming projects, and the IGO is a concept of Incubating NFT gaming project is excellent, where the user can tokenize the in-game assets like avatars, skins, cameo into NFTs. And these NFTs are sold with the IGO Concept to raise funds for the projects.

This makes IGO an excellent aid for the NFT gaming projects to push the limits of the trade. There are various perks in bringing IGO for any new ideas, which include a very large and quicker reach among the people. The IGO lets the investors measure the efficiency of their investment with the ROI.

Our IGO in making a better Crypto verse

There are many verses that started occurring in the digital era, and the word “META” started getting huge notice in recent times. But before all these noises, the Gaming platforms are the people who actually brought in the concept of parallel verse into the digital era. Our IGO development will take care of all the hectic processes and establish a very excellent concept to attract many more traders to make huge transactional revenue.

Our Initial Game Offering development is one of the best since only every IGO has seen the world, and many are worn out on their early stage itself. To prevent this from happening, we evaluate and strategize the IGO preparation very carefully. We take care of making huge steps in a productive manner.

IGO LaunchPad

Our IGO Launchpad is developed in a way to easily launch and deploy IGO elements. They are built in a way to withstand heavy traffic and durability. The Initial Game Offering launchpads will result in great help in bringing in more new ideas to the digital world more fastly without any major complexity.

Benefits of Our IGO launchpad

🌟 Compatibility

Compatibility is one of the most important factors in crypto. Keeping this in concern, our IGO platform supports almost all the blockchain networks in the crypto space.

🌟 Wallet

To ease up the user complexity and enhance the experience, we have integrated the web 3.0 based wallet to the IGO launch pad. The wallet will stay as a very big support for making transactions & even to show identity.


The KYC portal will actively help in validating the authenticity of users. To bring this to light, there are various measures taken, and to say in precise, the KYC is a mandated process in some countries. To avoid ruckus to the user

🌟 Investor pool management

We extend our development efforts to deliver many extraordinary features like Investor pool management to keep track of the users and the investments actively.

Initial Game Offering — beyond the limits

IGO is a platform where the NFT in-game assets can be traded. As a next step, we tend to provide those NFT gaming environments or platforms where these assets are used to play the game. With an excellent group of teams, we can make this possible effect. The platform developments include ideations part and parallel verse handling, which requires an immense amount of experience in the market.

Blockchain App factory — Set histories on IGO’s early stage.

Blockchain App Factory is one of the countable high-tier Crypto development troops. Our products have made trademark records and set examples to many pioneers out there in the crypto-verse. Our Front end appearance and responsiveness have been regarded as a learnable idol of the crypto space. This time Blockchain App Factory plans to set a path in the IGO — the next generation of NFT gaming deliberately. Our professionals and resources are more than sufficient to develop and deploy with stability and reliability.

Originally published at on January 11, 2022.

