NFT Vs. Metaverse: Tell-tale Differences that Cannot be Avoided!

Security Token Offering
5 min readNov 7, 2022

This millennium has already given us numerous innovations that have changed the way we perceive life two decades ago. The advent of the various parts of the internet or the web has changed things drastically within a few years’ time. Remember the dialing operation to activate the internet in the early days of this century? Those days are long gone, with smartphones and fourth-generation (4G) wireless ruling the globe. Keeping those aside, Web3 has been a candidate to occupy the future internet, with NFTs and metaverses making much noise. But what is the difference between NFT and metaverse?

NFT: An Insightful Introduction

An NFT or non-fungible token is a virtual token that supports a digital or physical item. These tokens serve as proof of ownership and authenticity for the assets they support, as they exist in the tamper-proof blockchain ledger. Although NFTs have been up and running since the middle of the 2010s, their true domination came during the 2021 NFT boom that paved the way for a lot of good things. These can back any product, including artwork, music, videos, photos, images, writings, sports collectible cards, and even in-game assets. NFTs can be created, bought, and traded from NFT marketplaces using cryptocurrencies.

Metaverses: An Eye-opener

A metaverse is a virtual world environment where people can interact and socialize with each other as digital avatars. These applications can be used in various fields, such as entertainment, education, healthcare, banking, tourism, transportation, retail, and E-commerce. These digital worlds utilize multiple elements of Web3 technology, including blockchains, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and internet of things (IoT). The concept has been around for a while, with popular science fiction bringing numerous ambitious versions of the metaverse. Platforms existing currently, though, lean more toward gamification and less toward social elements, and changes have started already.

Is NFT Versus Metaverse Even Apt?

Although the comparison battle between NFTs and metaverses looks interesting, it will be more apt to call it “NFTs in metaverses.” This is because NFTs and cryptocurrencies take prominent roles inside these virtual worlds. Cryptocurrencies serve as monetary tenders in metaverse worlds, and NFTs serve as records backing digital commodities that would otherwise not be highly valued. NFTs can support avatars, skins, vehicles, weapons, and other digital resources based on the environment’s backstory and mission. NFTs play an important role inside metaverse platforms as they help users to gain their virtual identities and build the schematics for their virtual lives.

Hard-pressing Facts on NFTs Vs. Metaverses

  • While we speak about NFTs Vs. metaverses, we should understand the role of smart contracts in both elements. Smart contracts, in general, help transactions without intermediary involvement, and NFTs were the initial application of these programs. Metaverse platforms utilize smart contracts to conduct transactions inside them to provide a real-world-like experience, but without the need for third parties for processing.
  • Non-fungible tokens offer authenticity, ownership, security, and immutability, whereas metaverses offer more user-minded opportunities, such as creator economy, user identity, hardcore decentralization, and novel experiences.
  • A notable similarity between NFTs and metaverses is that both had their nascent beginnings around 2017 on the Ethereum network, with CryptoPunks, CryptoKitties, and Decentraland showing glimpses of a bright future in the digital realm.
  • While NFTs can be created and traded easily through an internet-enabled smart device, accessing metaverses to have real value is tougher, as special wearable devices with VR/AR capabilities are required. Research is in progress to make these wearable devices comforting and monetarily accessible, while smartphone-based metaverse platforms are also under development.
  • Also, the concept of metaverse has been used by Web2 platforms such as Second Life, Roblox, Fortnite, and Minecraft, with each following a unique way to portray it.

Could A Business Based on NFT Metaverses be a Success Story?

The answer depends on what the NFT metaverse business is all about. A metaverse venture can be based on various remunerative models, including NFT marketplaces, P2E/M2E NFT games, 3D event spaces, virtual working environments, immersive E-commerce storefronts, digital healthcare systems, and virtual tourism facilities. All these ventures can be possible with conventional Web3 elements sans the immersive factor. Their ability to offer realistic virtual experiences boosts any business adopting metaverses and NFTs, not to forget the craze for NFTs among the millennial generation. Hence, the chances of a venture based on metaverse NFTs becoming victorious are high at the moment.

Various Development Services That Encompass NFTs and Metaverses

  • Metaverse development based on virtual land and Minecraft-like voxel models.
  • Metaverse NFT marketplace development helps to create and trade NFT items of various niches.
  • Metaverse P2E NFT game development that assists in enabling two-way transactions through an in-game rewarding mechanism.
  • Metaverse launchpad development to enable fundraising for NFT ventures based on metaverse use cases.
  • Metaverse 3D event space development that allows to conduct meetings, conferences, parties, and other gatherings.
  • Metaverse healthcare solutions aid medical professionals in offering better consultation, clinical advice, therapy, and rehabilitation to patients and educate budding professionals.
  • Metaverse workspace development enables remote-working employees and employers to get together and boost productivity, work culture, and networks.


Hence, we can say that NFTs and metaverses have a formidable relationship, with both riding on each other in various use cases. Nevertheless, the growth of these Web3 applications has been immense in recent times, and it only looks like it will skyrocket at a rapid pace. If you are someone with a deep interest in NFTs and metaverses and want to make a profound impact as a business, then it might just be the right time and place to land.

You can opt for proficient metaverse and NFT development services to realize your dreams without missing anything. Such a firm’s client-centric nature, advanced tech stacks, and sensible insights can make your brand-new venture become an instant favorite among the Web3 community audience.

