Top 5 NFT Marketing Strategies No One Will Miss Using in 2023!

Security Token Offering
4 min readDec 1, 2022

If you haven’t heard of NFTs, then chances are you stayed in the remoteness of the Amazon Rainforest or the Pacific Ocean for the past two years. Otherwise, there are all possible reasons that your eyes or ears might have been exposed to the term “NFTs.” If you wonder how it could have reached you, the straightforward answer will be “NFT marketing.” Yes, extensive promotions from NFT businesses worldwide, including many viral social media trends, have captivated the public towards these blockchain-powered tokens.

This blog presents the top 5 NFT marketing strategies that can reap good fortunes for ventures in 2023!

1.Discord Marketing

A popular NFT marketing strategy in 2022, Discord promotions have become prominent due to the platform’s features and popularity among NFT enthusiasts. Using Discord, projects can build and engage loyal communities that can foster the project’s long-term growth. The application’s options to categorize chats inside servers can be helpful in promoting, playing games, conducting events, releasing announcements, and resolving queries that build trust in the community members. Irrespective of the project’s scale, Discord would be an ideal weapon for promotions.

2.Influencer Marketing

Another of the top 5 NFT marketing strategies not to be missed is influencer marketing, where famous persons in the Web3 sphere will promote ventures to their followers. Such campaigns will expose NFT projects to new markets that weren’t considered earlier. The strategy can be effectively utilized in combination with other community-focused techniques, such as Discord marketing and social media promotions. Also, since most influencers are early NFT adopters, projects can get valuable insights by collaborating with them during development.

3.Email Marketing

An NFT marketing strategy that could bear fruit if used after gaining a sizable following is email marketing. The process involves sending regular promotional emails with intriguing calls to action and informative newsletters to the community members to register the project’s presence in their minds. While it might be distantly related to content marketing, the strategy’s uniqueness in playing with words without worrying about keywords gives it an edge. It is also essential to remember that spammy emails could backfire.

4.Paid Campaigns

The growth of search engines and social media networks has made them hotspots for marketers. But, with all NFT marketers using these applications daily, competition becomes intense enough to strive hard even to reach a thousand views at times. This is where paid advertising campaigns come to help. NFT ventures should pay search engine providers and social network firms to promote their businesses, and they will appear on people’s devices based on search terms they use and recent search behaviors.

5.Content Marketing

The saying “Content is king” holds true even today, as NFT projects strive to reach their audiences through creative content marketing. Blogs of various sizes and formats are posted on multiple sites in an SEO-friendly structure to reach the broader community. While it is essential to emphasize keywords, being humane by providing content in an informative, intriguing, and at times, the entertaining tone is highly recommended to garner a broader reach. Using real-time analytic data could be crucial in setting an NFT enterprise’s content apart from the others.

Shedding Final Insights

Hence, we can say that the top 5 NFT marketing strategies mentioned above could define a project’s success if used judiciously and with the correct intensity. Conducting such promotions can put a high toll on an NFT project, irrespective of its size, making the need for an external firm necessary to gain higher reach. To do so, there are numerous NFT marketing agencies working to promote projects using these techniques that an enterprise could use to full effect. If you’re an entrepreneur aspiring to make it big in the NFT sphere, it might be your time to reign in the space! You just need to work with the perfect NFT advertiser to realize your aspirations!

