Top 5 Profitable Businesses to Start in 2023!

Security Token Offering
3 min readDec 28, 2022

2023 is almost here, and startup enthusiasts have already started planning their new ventures, despite the ongoing macroeconomic turmoil, which is projected to subside soon. Whether or not the global economic problems get resolved, there are some venture models that could make profitable businesses. What I mean by giving such a bold prediction is that these models will thrive on consumer interests and attitudes in the new year. In this article, I have provided some tidbits on five profitable venture models that could enable any entrepreneur to earn fortunes and garner a reputation.

The Emergence of Digitized Times is Getting Closer and Closer; Brace for It and Embrace It!

Ranked: Profitable Businesses to Utilized in 2023

  1. NFT Aggregator Platform
  2. Delivery Business
  3. Play to Earn Game Development
  4. AI Marketing
  5. Software as a service (SaaS)

1. NFT Aggregator Platform 🎨

NFT aggregator platform is a top-rated profitable business model in 2023, according to experts. If you’re enthusiastic about blockchains and Web3, you could probably use this model to gain a place in the virtual space. These platforms basically offer prices of NFT items across NFT marketplaces and allow users to buy NFTs in bulk quantities in a single transaction.

2. Delivery Business 🚚

With the change in human lifestyle, delivery business for almost anything can be the perfect idea one could go ahead in 2023. A venture based on the model will connect various businesses with consumers by taking up the responsibility for the logistics scheme of things. There is space for the model as more cities become target markets for startups.

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3. Play-to-Earn Game Development 🎰

Play-to-Earn games using blockchains have gained popularity in recent times, owing to them bringing profits for gamers and developers. As one of the profitable businesses, P2E game development can aid enterprises in creating a thriving virtual ecosystem with a dynamic economy. The open and imaginative nature of gaming provides room for any number of businesses to utilize the P2E model.

4. AI Marketing 📣

Perhaps the newest expansion of marketing, an AI marketing agency, is predicted to be a profitable business model in 2023. This model uses data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to generate marketing reports and predictions that reduce the burden of marketing teams. With an application offering valuable insights, a startup can quickly rack profits by charging for these tools.

5. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 👨🏻‍💻

As one of the longstanding profitable businesses, Software-as-a-Service is expected to grow as usual, with the world getting digitized increasingly. As the globe becomes more interconnected, the role of SaaS firms of all scales up and grows to help, other businesses keep up with the trends. What’s interesting is that some companies have added blockchain technology with SaaS that could generate new revenue streams.

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Therefore, we have seen the top five profitable businesses one can begin in the new year. While these models sound novel, exciting, and confusing at the same time, they are projected to become mainstream in a year or two as technology continues to evolve. Who knows, professional time travel could be a business in a decade!

If you’re an entrepreneur striving to press through the current economic space, I highly suggest using one of the above-mentioned venture models. In any case, opting for professional assistance could prove game-changing, too, as you can have a helping hand by you during times of adversity in the course of developing the application.

May Your Business Prowess be Visible to the World This Year Via a Profitable Venture Model!

