What You Need to Know About the Costs and Development Time for White-label Crypto Wallet Cards in 2024?

Cathrine Williams
Security Token Offering
13 min read6 days ago
White-label Crypto Wallet Cards
Fig: White-label Crypto Wallet Cards

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital finance, white-label crypto wallet cards are emerging as a transformative solution for businesses and consumers alike. These versatile cards bridge the gap between traditional financial systems and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies, offering a seamless and user-friendly way to manage and spend digital assets.

A white-label crypto wallet card is essentially a customizable payment card that allows users to link their crypto holdings directly to a physical or virtual card. This card can be branded and tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, providing a unique opportunity for companies to offer their customers a convenient and innovative payment solution without the need to develop the underlying technology from scratch.

In this guide, we’ll explore the key features, benefits, and applications of white-label crypto wallet cards. From enhancing customer loyalty to expanding market reach, these cards are poised to revolutionize how we interact with and utilize cryptocurrencies in our everyday lives. Whether you’re a business looking to enter the crypto space or a consumer seeking a more flexible way to manage your digital assets, white-label crypto wallet cards represent a cutting-edge solution with significant potential.

An Insight to White-label Crypto Payment Cards Market Trends

As the adoption of cryptocurrencies continues to surge, white-label crypto payment cards are emerging as a key player in bridging the gap between digital and traditional finance. These customizable cards, which can be branded and tailored by businesses to meet their specific needs, are gaining traction for their versatility and ease of use. Here’s an insightful look at the current market trends shaping the white-label crypto payment card landscape:

  1. Rising Adoption of Cryptocurrencies: The growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a legitimate asset class is driving demand for practical solutions to spend and manage these digital assets. White-label crypto payment cards offer a seamless way for users to spend their crypto holdings in everyday transactions, thereby enhancing the utility of cryptocurrencies and promoting their mainstream adoption.
  2. Increased Interest from Traditional Financial Institutions: Traditional banks and financial institutions are increasingly interested in integrating crypto payment solutions into their offerings. This trend is partly driven by the desire to tap into the growing market of crypto-savvy consumers and partly by the need to stay competitive in an evolving financial landscape. White-label crypto payment cards provide an opportunity for these institutions to offer innovative services without developing the technology in-house.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience and Loyalty: Businesses are leveraging white-label crypto payment cards to enhance customer experience and build brand loyalty. By offering branded payment cards, companies can create a more personalized and engaging experience for their customers. These cards often come with additional features, such as rewards programs and exclusive offers, which help in retaining customers and increasing engagement.
  4. Technological Advancements and Integration: Advancements in blockchain technology and payment systems are making it easier to develop and deploy white-label crypto payment cards. Innovations such as integrated crypto-to-fiat conversion, advanced security features, and user-friendly interfaces are becoming standard. These technological improvements are enhancing the functionality and appeal of crypto payment cards.
  5. Regulatory Developments and Compliance: Regulatory clarity is becoming increasingly important as the crypto industry matures. Businesses offering white-label crypto payment cards must navigate a complex regulatory environment, ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. As regulations evolve, companies are adapting to meet these standards while maintaining the flexibility and appeal of their products.
  6. Growth of Crypto Payment Ecosystems: The expansion of crypto payment ecosystems is fostering the growth of white-label crypto payment cards. Partnerships between crypto wallet providers, payment processors, and card issuers are creating a more integrated and efficient payment experience. This ecosystem approach is facilitating the widespread adoption of crypto payment cards and driving market growth.
  7. Global Market Expansion: While the initial adoption of white-label crypto payment cards was concentrated in regions with high crypto activity, such as North America and Europe, there is a growing interest in emerging markets. As global interest in cryptocurrencies spreads, businesses are exploring opportunities to offer white-label crypto payment cards in diverse regions, catering to a broader audience.

The white-label crypto payment card market is evolving rapidly, driven by increased cryptocurrency adoption, technological advancements, and growing interest from traditional financial institutions. As businesses seek innovative ways to engage customers and integrate digital assets into their operations, white-label crypto payment cards are poised to become a key component of the modern financial ecosystem. Staying abreast of these trends will be crucial for companies looking to capitalize on the opportunities presented by this dynamic market.

What is a White-label Crypto Wallet Card?

A white-label crypto wallet card is a customizable financial product that combines the functionalities of traditional payment cards with the capabilities of cryptocurrency wallets. It allows users to manage and spend their digital assets through a card that can be branded and tailored by businesses to meet specific needs. Here’s a deeper look into what makes these cards unique:

**1. Integration of Crypto and Traditional Payments

White-label crypto wallet cards bridge the gap between cryptocurrencies and traditional payment systems. They enable users to convert their cryptocurrency holdings into fiat currency seamlessly, making it possible to use digital assets for everyday purchases at merchants that accept traditional payment cards.

**2. Custom Branding and Personalization

One of the main features of white-label crypto wallet cards is their ability to be branded with a company’s logo and design. This allows businesses to offer a crypto payment solution under their brand, enhancing their customer engagement and loyalty. The cards can be customized to reflect the business’s identity and provide a personalized experience for users.

**3. Crypto-to-Fiat Conversion

These cards often come with built-in mechanisms for converting cryptocurrency into fiat currency at the point of sale. This means users can spend their digital assets just like they would with a regular debit or credit card, without needing to manually exchange crypto for fiat.

**4. Enhanced Security Features

White-label crypto wallet cards typically incorporate advanced security measures to protect users’ funds. This can include features such as two-factor authentication (2FA), biometric verification, and encryption to safeguard against unauthorized access and fraud.

**5. User-Friendly Management

The associated digital wallet or app provides users with an easy-to-use interface for managing their crypto holdings, tracking transactions, and accessing various features related to their cards. This can include viewing balances, monitoring spending, and managing card settings.

**6. Global Acceptance

These cards are often designed to be accepted worldwide, leveraging existing payment networks such as Visa or Mastercard. This broad acceptance allows users to use their white-label crypto wallet cards in a wide range of locations, both online and in physical stores.

**7. Flexible Spending and Rewards

In addition to basic spending capabilities, white-label crypto wallet cards may offer additional features such as cashback rewards, loyalty programs, and exclusive offers. These incentives are designed to enhance the value proposition for users and encourage ongoing use of the card.

**8. Compliance and Regulation

White-label crypto wallet cards must adhere to various regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations. This ensures that the cards are used in a secure and compliant manner, maintaining trust and integrity in the financial ecosystem.

White-label crypto wallet cards represent a significant advancement in integrating cryptocurrencies with traditional financial systems. By offering a customizable, secure, and user-friendly solution, these cards enable businesses to provide innovative payment options and engage with the growing community of crypto users. For consumers, they offer a practical and versatile way to manage and spend their digital assets seamlessly.

Navigating White-label Crypto Wallet Card Type: Tailored to Meet Diverse Financial Needs

White-label crypto wallet cards come in various types, each designed to cater to specific financial needs and preferences. Understanding these types can help businesses choose the right solution to meet their goals and provide value to their customers. Here’s a guide to the different types of white-label crypto wallet cards and how they address diverse financial needs:

**1. Prepaid Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: Prepaid crypto wallet cards are loaded with a fixed amount of cryptocurrency or fiat currency before use. Users can spend up to the card’s loaded amount, making these cards ideal for budgeting and controlled spending.


  • Fixed Spending Limits: Preloaded with a specific amount, helping users manage spending.
  • Security: Limited exposure to funds as the card balance is preloaded.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for gift cards, promotional offers, and controlled budgets.

**2. Debit Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: Debit crypto wallet cards are linked to a crypto wallet or account and allow users to spend the balance directly. These cards often support real-time crypto-to-fiat conversion at the point of sale.


  • Real-Time Conversion: Converts cryptocurrency to fiat currency during transactions.
  • Flexibility: Users can spend from their crypto holdings without preloading the card.
  • Use Cases: Suitable for everyday transactions, online purchases, and global spending.

**3. Virtual Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: Virtual crypto wallet cards are digital-only cards that can be used for online transactions. They offer the same functionality as physical cards but are designed for digital environments.


  • Instant Issuance: Immediate availability upon setup.
  • Online Focus: Optimized for e-commerce and online services.
  • Use Cases: Perfect for online shopping, digital subscriptions, and virtual transactions.

**4. Physical Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: Physical crypto wallet cards are tangible cards that users can carry and use for in-person transactions. They are often equipped with contactless payment capabilities for convenience.


  • Tangible Use: This can be used at physical retail locations and ATMs.
  • Contactless Payments: Supports NFC (Near Field Communication) for quick transactions.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for everyday purchases, travel, and physical store transactions.

**5. Reward and Loyalty Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: These cards are designed to offer rewards, such as cashback or loyalty points, for spending with the card. They often come with additional benefits to encourage usage.


  • Rewards Programs: Offers cashback, points, or other incentives based on spending.
  • Exclusive Benefits: These may include special offers, discounts, or access to events.
  • Use Cases: Attracts customers seeking additional value and engagement through rewards.

**6. Multi-Currency Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: Multi-currency crypto wallet cards support multiple cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. They offer users the flexibility to spend in various digital assets and currencies.


  • Diverse Asset Support: Allows users to hold and spend various cryptocurrencies and fiat.
  • Currency Conversion: Supports conversion between multiple currencies during transactions.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for frequent travelers and users with diverse cryptocurrency portfolios.

**7. Corporate and Business Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: Designed for businesses, these cards facilitate corporate spending and expense management. They often come with features tailored to business needs, such as expense tracking and reporting.


  • Expense Management: Provides tools for tracking and managing business expenses.
  • Custom Features: This may include integrations with accounting software and administrative controls.
  • Use Cases: Suitable for corporate spending, employee benefits, and business expense management.

**8. Customizable Crypto Wallet Cards

Overview: Customizable cards allow businesses to add their branding and design elements to the cards, providing a personalized touch.


  • Branding Options: Custom designs, logos, and personalized features.
  • Flexibility: Adaptable to different business needs and customer preferences.
  • Use Cases: Enhances brand visibility and customer loyalty through personalized offerings.

White-label crypto wallet cards offer a range of options tailored to various financial needs, from prepaid and debit cards to customizable and multi-currency solutions. By understanding these different types, businesses can select the most suitable card to enhance their offerings and meet their customers’ diverse financial needs. Whether for everyday spending, online transactions, or corporate use, there’s a white-label crypto wallet card designed to fit the bill.

Highlighting the Cost & Time Frame Required to Build a White-label Crypto Wallet Card

Building a white-label crypto wallet card involves several factors that influence both the cost and the time frame of the development process. Understanding these elements is crucial for businesses looking to launch a customized crypto payment solution. Here’s an overview of the key considerations:

Development Costs

**a. Initial Setup and Licensing Fees

  • Costs: Initial fees for licensing payment networks (e.g., Visa, Mastercard) can vary widely depending on the network and region.
  • Considerations: Costs can include application fees, ongoing licensing fees, and compliance requirements.

**b. Technology Development

  • Costs: Developing the technology for a white-label crypto wallet card involves integrating with blockchain systems, payment processors, and security features. This can range from $50,000 to $200,000 or more, depending on complexity.
  • Considerations: Costs are influenced by the card’s features, such as real-time crypto-to-fiat conversion, security protocols, and the level of customization.

**c. Custom Branding and Design

  • Costs: Customizing the card’s design and branding can cost between $5,000 and $20,000, depending on the complexity and the design agency’s fees.
  • Considerations: This includes the design of the card itself, the associated digital wallet or app interface, and marketing materials.

**d. Compliance and Regulatory Costs

  • Costs: Ensuring compliance with financial regulations, including AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements, can add $10,000 to $50,000 to the budget.
  • Considerations: Costs include legal consultations, audits, and adjustments to meet regulatory standards.

**e. Integration and Testing

  • Costs: Integrating with existing payment infrastructure and conducting thorough testing can cost between $15,000 and $30,000.
  • Considerations: This includes technical integration with payment networks, blockchain systems, and extensive testing for functionality and security.

**f. Ongoing Maintenance and Support

  • Costs: Maintenance, updates, and customer support services typically cost around 10–20% of the initial development costs annually.
  • Considerations: Includes software updates, security patches, and customer service.

Time Frame for Development

**a. Project Planning and Design

  • Time Frame: 1 to 3 months
  • Activities: Includes defining the project scope, designing the card and digital wallet interface, and planning integration with payment systems.

**b. Technology Development

  • Time Frame: 3 to 6 months
  • Activities: Involves developing the backend technology, integrating with blockchain and payment networks, and implementing security features.

**c. Compliance and Regulatory Approvals

  • Time Frame: 2 to 4 months
  • Activities: Includes obtaining necessary licenses, conducting regulatory compliance checks, and preparing for audits.

**d. Integration and Testing

  • Time Frame: 2 to 4 months
  • Activities: Integrating with payment processors, performing extensive testing for functionality and security, and fixing any issues that arise.

**e. Launch and Rollout

  • Time Frame: 1 to 2 months
  • Activities: Final preparations for launch, including marketing, user onboarding, and addressing any last-minute issues.

Building a white-label crypto wallet card involves significant costs and a structured time frame. The total cost can range from $100,000 to $500,000 or more, depending on the complexity and customization of the card. The development process typically spans 6 to 12 months, encompassing planning, development, compliance, integration, and rollout phases.

Businesses should carefully assess their needs, budget, and timeline to ensure a successful launch of their white-label crypto wallet card. Collaborating with experienced technology providers and compliance experts can help streamline the process and manage costs effectively.

Things to Consider Before Choosing a White-label Crypto Wallet Card

Selecting the right white-label crypto wallet card is crucial for effectively integrating cryptocurrencies with traditional payment systems and meeting the needs of your target audience. Here are key factors to consider before making a decision:

**1. Business Objectives and Use Cases

  • Define Your Goals: Determine the primary objectives for offering a white-label crypto wallet card. Are you aiming to attract new customers, enhance brand loyalty, or enter the cryptocurrency market?
  • Use Cases: Consider how the card will be used — whether for everyday spending, online transactions, or corporate expenses. Different use cases may require different features and functionalities.

**2. Customization and Branding

  • Branding Opportunities: Evaluate the extent to which the card and associated digital wallet can be customized with your brand’s logo, design, and user interface.
  • Flexibility: Ensure that the card can be tailored to reflect your brand’s identity and meet specific customer preferences.

**3. Technology and Integration

  • Technology Stack: Assess the technology used for developing the card, including the blockchain integration, payment processing, and security features.
  • Integration Requirements: Ensure the card integrates smoothly with your existing systems and payment networks. Consider compatibility with major payment processors like Visa or Mastercard.

**4. Security Features

  • Advanced Security: Verify that the card includes robust security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA), biometric verification, and encryption to protect against fraud and unauthorized access.
  • Compliance: Ensure the card adheres to industry standards and regulatory requirements for data protection and transaction security.

**5. Regulatory Compliance

  • Licensing Requirements: Check the licensing and regulatory requirements for offering crypto wallet cards in your target markets. This includes anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.
  • Legal Considerations: Consult with legal experts to understand the regulatory landscape and ensure compliance with relevant financial regulations.

**6. Cost and Budget

  • Development Costs: Consider the costs involved in developing the card, including technology, branding, compliance, and integration expenses.
  • Ongoing Costs: Factor in ongoing costs such as maintenance, support, transaction fees, and license renewals. Ensure the solution fits within your budget and provides good value for money.

**7. User Experience

  • Ease of Use: Evaluate the user experience of the card and the associated digital wallet. The interface should be intuitive, and user-friendly, and provide a seamless experience for managing and spending crypto assets.
  • Support: Ensure that adequate customer support is available to assist users with any issues or inquiries related to the card.

**8. Feature Set

  • Core Features: Assess the core features offered by the card, such as crypto-to-fiat conversion, multi-currency support, and transaction tracking.
  • Additional Benefits: Look for additional features like reward programs, loyalty points, or exclusive offers that can enhance the value proposition for users.

**9. Scalability and Future-Proofing

  • Scalability: Ensure that the card solution can scale with your business as it grows, accommodating increasing transaction volumes and expanding user bases.
  • Future Trends: Consider how the card can adapt to future trends and technological advancements in the cryptocurrency and payment industries.

**10. Provider Reputation and Support

  • Provider Expertise: Research the reputation and experience of the white-label solution provider. Choose a provider with a proven track record in delivering reliable and secure crypto payment solutions.
  • Support Services: Evaluate the level of support and service offered by the provider, including technical support, updates, and troubleshooting.

Choosing the right white-label crypto wallet card involves a thorough evaluation of various factors, including business objectives, customization options, technology, security, regulatory compliance, cost, user experience, and provider reputation. By carefully considering these aspects, you can select a solution that aligns with your goals and delivers a seamless and secure payment experience for your users.


Selecting the right white-label crypto wallet card is a critical decision that can significantly impact your business’s ability to integrate cryptocurrency with traditional payment systems and offer innovative financial solutions to your customers. By carefully considering the factors outlined — such as business objectives, customization options, technology, security, regulatory compliance, cost, user experience, scalability, and provider reputation — you can make an informed choice that aligns with your strategic goals and meets the needs of your target audience.

A well-chosen white-label crypto wallet card can enhance your brand’s value proposition, attract new customers, and provide a seamless, secure payment experience that bridges the gap between digital assets and traditional financial systems. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, selecting a solution that is adaptable and future-proof will ensure long-term success and relevance in the market.

Thorough research, clear goal-setting, and collaboration with experienced providers will enable you to launch a white-label crypto wallet card that not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your growth and innovation in the ever-changing financial ecosystem.



Cathrine Williams
Security Token Offering

I'm Cathrine Williams, I have been writing about cryptocurrency and blockchain for 7 years. I'm expert in writing about new developments in the blockchain.