Which company provides Security Token Offering Services

Security Token Offering
2 min readJan 3, 2020

Security token offerings (STOs) have been gaining steam as of late, and it stands to reason that a lot of firms are looking to capitalize on this momentum by launching their own STO. Launching your proprietary security token offering can be a daunting task due to the immense amount of regulatory requirements that are involved.

Choosing an appropriate 👉🏻 token issuance platform 👈🏻 is the next task in order. The drastically different technical approach required with regards to security tokens can prove to be complicated for non-tech firms. Issuance platforms provide seamless tech aid in this regard.

Securitize, Harbor, Polymath, Swarm, Fincross, and Securrency are a few of the industry-leading token issuance platforms.

Marketing is next in line, with regards to important security token offering services. Marketing includes:

  • Whitepaper development
  • The correct team
  • Website development

Collateral is required for security tokens. Special purpose vehicles or trust companies are utilized to keep tokenization of assets. These are typically third parties.

Following this, getting listed on exchanges is an important step. This could make or break user adoption levels with regards to the project’s crypto. Coinbase, tZero, Binance, Bnktothefuture, and OpenFinance network are a few leading cryptocurrency exchanges.

Next, come crypto market makers. They assist in driving ICO and crypto exchange market liquidity. Market makers hold the potential of enabling a specific token to attain a certain price target or trade volume.

Blockchain App Factory, as an industry-leading presence within the domain of blockchain development and in the cryptosphere, is your go-to solutions provider with regards to innovative security token offering services. BAF’s white label solutions are customizable, scalable, and affordable.

