Securosys SET smart contract successfully deployed!

Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2018

Last week we deployed and tested the Securosys SET smart contract. It is now live and you can see what is going on at the smart contract address on The SET token itself can also be observed on Etherscan at this address.

On Etherscan you will see that we tested minting, transactions, and then burned these test tokens. Yesterday we finally minted all the SET token and distributed them into four wallets. These wallets correspond to the distribution scheme described in our whitepaper on pages 67–69. Currently you will see this on Etherscan:

This pie chart will change and shrink going forward. First we will see more owners of the token. Over time the number of SET tokens will decrease as institutional investors still prefer to hold shares. For them and any of you who prefer shares we will burn their SET tokens and issue shares.

What happens next?

For those of you that already completed payment, KYC and AML: Tomorrow we will start distributing the SET tokens to your wallets. You can still top off your investment and buy more SET token, simply contact us for instructions.

For those of you stuck in the process: We are keeping the ITO platform open over the next few weeks so that you can complete payment, KYC, and AML. You can still login onto the ITO/STO Platform.

In case you need any assistance with your participation, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email or call us at +41 44 552 31 00 during Swiss office hours.

The way forward

Securosys is a proven company with a proven team and proven products. As such we have a stable revenue stream. This also means that we are in a comfortable position to adjust our ITO sale and react to market circumstances.

Despite abysmal market conditions for crypto we still believe in the concept of our security token offering. Therefore we are contemplating a secondary sale next year. We are currently discussing opportunities with attractive platforms that provide wider access to our tokens.

Stay tuned to our social media channels to be informed about any news form Securosys including a secondary token sale.

If you have any questions regarding the closed token sale or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email or call us at +41 44 552 31 00 during Swiss office hours.

Follow our social media accounts listed in the footer of this post to stay up to date!

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