Securosys Update July: Growth Financing, Blockchain, Clouds HSM

Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2018

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Summer is upon us and things really start heating up here at Securosys. To expand our business we will conduct a growth financing over the next few months. It will be in the form of a Token offering, learn more below. Further in this newsletter you will find a report on the first Securosys User & Developer Conference which was a great success, and news on the Securosys Clouds HSM.

Securosys Growth Financing — ITO

This week, we are launching our growth financing efforts. We are raising this capital the modern way, with an Initial Token Offering (ITO). The offered Securosys token (SET) is a security token that has dividend rights and can be converted into company shares.

To learn more about the project, please visit our ICO website and download the whitepaper from there. We are also publishing a series of blogs on Medium to give some background story on our ITO.

On Monday, July 9 our CEO Robert Rogenmoser participated in the Event on Corporate Financing in the ICO Age. There he was sharing his thoughts on why Securosys chose an ICO over legacy venture capital funding. The event will be repeated this evening in Geneva.

Blockchain and Crypto Assets Extensions

We are constantly adding new features and algorithms to our HSM to better support blockchain systems. If you are doing a blockchain project, please contact us and we can help you secure it by storing the private keys in HSM. The HSM can either run on your site and is managed by yourself or you can use our Clouds HSM system, see below.

Securosys User & Developer Conference

The first Securosys User & Developer Conference was held on May 23, 2018 at the Sheraton Hotel in Zurich. After the keynote by Luzius Meisser, the over 40 participants heard presentations on securing applications with Primus HSM from Securosys and its partners. The topics included presentations from libC on how to secure Apache webservers with SSL, from AdNovum on their NEVIS IAM system, from Keyon on certificate management, and from Centraya on how to secure access to the cloud and encrypt entries in databases, for example, for GDPR.

Clouds HSM Kicking into High Gear

Over the last six months we have expanded and strengthened the infrastructure of our Clouds HSM system. In addition, we are planning on expanding our support to 7 x 24h.

To better advertise and market this extraordinary service, we are launching a dedicated product website. You can now check out all the features and options as well as potential applications for the Securosys Clouds HSM on this new website.

We are looking forward to hearing from you

Robert Rogenmoser (CEO), Andreas Curiger (CTO/CSO), and the Securosys Team

