Welcome to Securosys

Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2018

With the help of our blog, beginning with the following post, we want you to get to know the company Securosys. We want you to know where we came from and where we’re headed. In our opinion, it is paramount to deliver more than just a whitepaper for participants to trust us with their money in our growth financing endeavor.

The Securosys blog is meant to let you follow our path to success by being your window into the inner workings of our company.

What we do in a nutshell

“We are a technology company dedicated to securing data and communications. We develop, produce, and distribute hardware, software, and services that protect and verify data and their transmission. We develop, program, and build our products in Switzerland and with vetted partners in Europe. We put great value on our secure supply chain so that there are no possibilities for backdoors.”

Securosys Website

We are in the business of trust

Cybersecurity, once only a topic for nerds and specialists, is being discussed everywhere by now. Everyone in our society uses technology that is dependent on secure data handling and, through that, on safe key handling. Public key infrastructures (PKI) are everywhere. Whether you’re using one of the many standard messaging services, online banking, online shopping, or even any website that has a lock to the left of the URL, a public key infrastructure is in place. If you are a user of cryptocurrencies or other digital assets such as our SET token, you’re probably familiar with basic cryptography or have at least heard of it before. PKIs are everywhere, and secure hardware is needed to handle the keys. This is where Securosys enters the stage!

For a PKI to be trustworthy, the counterparties have to be sure that the keys used have not been compromised, stolen, or replicated. Therefore, however safe the cryptography used for the PKI is, the keys still have to be kept in a safe “vault”.
In the case of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, a private key is generated for every wallet (where the users’ Bitcoins are stored). The possession of these private keys is equal to the possession of the Bitcoin stored in the wallet. The person controlling the private key of any digital asset wallet is in control of the assets stored in it. Hence the secure storage of this private key is paramount.
Now, for a single user, a cold storage solution (storing the keys away from internet access, for example on paper or a dedicated memory stick) might be a solution. On the other hand, that is hardly a workable solution for an institutional user that needs repeated and quick access to his keys. In this case, Securosys can provide effective and enterprise-grade solutions to handle this security issue — a trusted execution platform for cryptographic keys.

Securosys has already gained significant customers from the financial industry. Securosys products protect the Swiss Banking System, securing over €100 billion in daily transactions. We deliver the same security for any key used for the IoT, blockchain technology, or cryptocurrencies.

Who trusts Securosys

Large companies as well as SMEs, including banks, insurance companies, and governmental bodies, trust Securosys to secure their communications.

Awards and certificates

Securosys has already been awarded certificates and awards on multiple occasions:

  • Finalist for the SEF.Award 2016 at the Swiss Economic Forum 2016 in Interlaken
  • Winner of the Red Herring Top 100 Award 2016
  • Recipient of the SEF.HighPotential award
  • Recipient of the ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Where we want to go from here

The advent of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies has created a new demand for secure, enterprise-grade key handling. We at Securosys are well aware of the opportunities that have arisen with the growth of this industry and are confident that we are the right partner for all industry participants. With our strong background in cryptography and our strong track record of securing high-risk financial transactions, we will conquer many new markets.

The Securosys ITO gives us the financial means and the industry-specific publicity needed for that endeavor. We are looking forward to a bright and interesting future for our company and investors alike.

Thank you for your attention. If you like what you see, we would appreciate it if you would share our project with your network. More blog posts will follow to provide you with insights into our company.

If you want more information on Securosys, please take a look at the following resources.

Website: https://ito.securosys.ch/

Whitepaper: https://ico.securosys.ch/downloads/Securosys_whitepaper.pdf

You can find all our social media links in the footer of this post — follow us for more updates!

