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The 4 most important requirements for Desk Sharing

How to create the best conditions for Desk Sharing

Rohit Kakar
Published in
5 min readNov 4, 2019


The management decided to introduce desk sharing, the task was handed over to the office management and now a project plan is to be worked out. Office managers are often assigned this task, which has to be handled in addition to their daily routines. Before a detailed roll-out plan is worked out, we help you to identify the 4 biggest requirements and to impress your managers in the initial kickoff meeting.

1. Clean Desk Policy

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The Clean Desk Policy is not only a beautiful Anglicism, but a cornerstone of successful Desk Sharing. The Policy means nothing else than leaving your place clean and tidy, according to the principle — Use it, Clean it, Repeat it.

Everyone of us knows the place of the seat neighbour with old mouldy coffee cups, bread crumbs in the keyboard and can deposit on the table: nobody wants to sit there gladly. The good thing about the Clean Desk Policy is that it can be established quite independently of the Desk Sharing introduction and the staff can slowly get used to the changeover.

In order to encourage this, sufficient places should be provided for the consumption of larger meals, i.e. sufficient cosy coffee corners, small kitchens or canteens. Nevertheless, regular cleaning of the offices by external service providers or in-house employees should not be neglected.

2. Graduation

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Clean places alone are not enough, every employee has a different claim to his or her workplace for his or her work. For example, some require a large screen for their work, some two, and it must also be ensured that each workstation is compatible with each device. One knows the Apple disciples in the company, who evade any norm. Not every workplace should necessarily be equipped with two screens, a headset and the latest telephone system. Instead, the workstations are intelligently divided according to company divisions or tasks.

You can set up telephony zones for sales managers who have to talk a lot to their customers, and a zone for the business intelligence department, where all seats are equipped with two screens.

Photo by Leo Roomets on Unsplash

A sensible subdivision of the work area makes it easier to furnish the seats and promotes work. For telephoning, you go into the telephone box, for quiet work into the quiet zone and for discussing the presentation together in the group workroom, or you know these people who start talking incredibly loudly in the library. Desk Sharing allows you to sit down in the quiet zone for your concentrated work in the morning, after lunch in the meeting rooms for the joint development of the workshop and in the afternoon in the telephone zone for a few calls with colleagues in the home office.

3. Stowage

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Now we have told the employees to leave the place clean and not have to talk to grandma in the quiet zone, but what do we do with our files and other personal items that employees often bunk in their workplace? We all know it: the embarrassing coffee cup of the person sitting next to you or the office jacket for the frostbite, where does all this stuff go?

Through personal storage options! AXA is leading the way with its own lockers and rolling containers. Every employee has the possibility to store the personal utensils there and has access to them at any time. Therefore, make sure that there is enough space for storage when setting up the unit.

4. IT

It is a fact that desk sharing is not possible without a functioning IT infrastructure. What about the telephone systems, can I log on to other workstations? Is a LAN connection possible everywhere? These and many other questions arise in the course of the process. Secure yourself at an early stage with centralized and simple processes. Involve your IT administrator early in the process and save yourself many problems. Otherwise we will hear about IT at the end, this did not occur in the requirements analysis.

Now we have a good basis and food for thought on all the things you have to consider before moving on to the implementation of desk sharing. Don’t forget, however, that observing all these elements does not guarantee 100% success. Many forget to invest in the change management process during the introduction of desk sharing.

Comprehensive communication with the advantages of desk sharing is not enough. One has to deal intensively with the employees and take away their fears of “place loss”. Discover the right method for you to introduce desk sharing. Whether piloting in individual departments or Big Bang implementation of the system is completely tailored to the personal attitudes of your company. Both large and small companies have demonstrated successful desk sharing. You too can enable your employees to work better.

About Sedeo

Sedeo is a modern software-as-a-service software that enables companies to digitize their workplaces and make them bookable for their employees from anywhere.

By providing a graphical overview of available workspaces, rooms and other resources, Sedeo enables companies to save a significant amount of time when searching for a job. An intuitive user interface makes it easy for any employee to use Sedeo without time-consuming training. Sedeo minimizes change management to a minimum.

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Rohit Kakar
Editor for

Technische und digitale Themen sind die Kernstücke meiner Arbeit — Innovation Manager