Thankful for the pandemic

Fiona Steele
See It Now
Published in
Apr 30, 2021

It sounds like an oxymoron, right? Being grateful for something that’s ruined millions of lives. But that’s what this piece is all about — growth during quarantine. The big changes, the weird happenings, the revelations that might not have transpired without COVID-19.

Holly Huizinga had more time to create art during the March 2020 quarantine, and her art reflects the growth she’s had in coming to terms with her sexuality (Submitted photo).

In this radio segment, I talk to three people living in New Brunswick about how their lives have changed because of the pandemic — and why they’re grateful. We hear from Holly Huizinga, who came to terms with her sexual identity; Caitlin Dutt, who jumped off the corporate ladder to find a meaningful life; and Reinaldo Cascante, who used quarantine to cut off an abusive partner.

