Seecows Hot Topics for Business Owners

FAQ’s For Business Owners Considering Seecows

Seecows’s Medium Blog
Seecows Words
3 min readApr 15, 2016



What’s the Biggest Benefit to having a Seecows account for my business?


Seecows is the ultimate business tool to help B2C companies offer trackable promotions to their customers and community. Seecows helps companies grow by giving them a platform that allows the best promotions to be distributed by the crowd which in turn makes marketing your business highly cost effective which ultimately will increase your businesses profitability and therefore viability. You can use Seecows to easily increase your sales and stay connected with your customers who love you the most.


What it the point to sending a promotion to a Seecows club?


Working with clubs is a great way to introduce your business to a new audience of people to reach more customers and make more money. If you offer a promotion to a club always think about their audience and try to customize the promotion to match their demographic

NOTE: Club owners will likely charge a fee to offer a promotion to their members. This can be a flat fee or a fee per redemption or a mix of the two. When working with club owners always try to create a win-win-win situation. Where you win, the club owner wins and all club members get value from your promotion.


How do we build up our Seecows following?


Building up a following is easy with the right plan. Offering relevant redemption worthy promotions is the first step to growing a great audience. The second step is letting all customers know about your Seecows Page by advertising your Seecows page at your place of business, on your website, and on your social profiles like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social destinations.

Rules for a Great Seecows Business Page

1. Publish only redemption worthy promotions

2. Tell all your customers to follow you on Seecows

3. Post no more than 2 promotions a week (unless under rare circumstances)


How often should I publish a promotion for my business?


You should publish promotions as often as your audience wants them. Since we send a push notification to all your followers when you publish a promotion you should only publish promotions that your followers would be interested in as you don’t want to annoy your followers by publishing too many promotions.

TIP: We think 1 to 2 promotions a week is likely a good maximum and perhaps a lot less depending on your industry and business model.


How can we make a cool GIF or cool image for our promotion?


If your looking to make a cool GIF or image for your next promotion you can always look to where people will create you a cool GIF for as low as $5.00. Otherwise, you can always use photoshop or other image software programs and find many free lessons to master those tools on YouTube.


What type of promotions should we publish?


You should always publish redemption worthy promotions in order to gain followers and drive sales. Redemption worthy means that they must save the promotion on Seecows and show you saved promotion in order to redeem that promotion. General promotions that don’t need to be saved in order to be redeemed will likely not generate as much buzz and will likely not generate that many shares and likes.


What happens if my business is a service that people don’t use often like roofing?


For some businesses it may be hard to gain a big following as people only need your service under rare circumstances (e.g. roofing, plumbing, pest control, etc.). Although it might be hard to build a following you can easily work with a Seecows Club in your community and offer them a promotion to push to their audience.





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Seecows’s Medium Blog
Seecows Words

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