Heroes Chained: Join the Fight to Free the Citizens of Ventuna

Raissa Gomes
6 min readJan 10, 2022


Hello, Seedify Community!

Today, we are very excited to introduce you to Heroes Chained. Please join us to learn all about the game and its upcoming IGO on the Seedify Launchpad on January 17!

With their lands ravaged by the Dark Lord Oblivion and his eternal champions, the many races of Ventuna have gathered, in one last stance to fight back, building what will be known as the greatest city in all of history; Last Hope. In Last Hope, the citizens and creatures of the land are protected from the dark lord’s reach and influence. This is where the adventure begins.

Welcome to Heroes Chained!

Heroes Chained

Heroes Chained is a thrilling fantasy-action RPG game featuring real-time card play-action along with exciting gameplay while giving participants complete control of their in-game assets through the integration of blockchain technology.

Play-and-Earn vs Play-to-Earn

The Heroes Chained team features award-winning, highly-respected names from the video game development and visual effects worlds, Mev Dinc and Onur Cayli, respectively. They have one of the best doxed teams in GameFi and crypto. We suggest you check the team. The project aims to revolutionize the GameFi space through a game-first approach, with the goal of onboarding traditional gamers and subsequently driving blockchain mass adoption.

By focusing on fun, traditional game-play, Heroes Chained looks to overcome the current shortcomings of the play-to-earn space by incentivizing participation through the gaming experience rather than the ‘earn’ aspect. This results in a Play-and-Earn instead of a Play-to-Earn scenario, with the earnings becoming a by-product of engaging, enjoyable game-play rather than the primary reason for it.

The Game


In Heroes Chained, players, as guild owners, will gather and train heroes, completing missions and battling other players, to become the top guild in the city of Last Hope.

The Guild is a player’s home base, where all their heroes, resources, city lands, etc., are held. Gamers will have the option of upgrading their guild by acquiring more land, allowing them to build new facilities.


Heroes Chained will feature heroes from different races; humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, lizards and half-beasts. Each race consists of five main classes, along with subclasses. The main classes are warrior, assassin, mage, archer and healer, with each having different stats respective to their function and utility in the game.

Players will have the ability to upgrade their heroes through training, engaging in battle and completing missions and quests. As heroes level up, they gain new random abilities from the class pool. This includes a new subclass in higher levels, which unlocks the opportunity for heroes to learn special abilities from the subclass pool.

Heroes will also gain a character trait. Character traits may be good or bad, or in some cases, both good and bad.


Gamers will be able to breed their heroes to produce offspring. The offspring’s traits and abilities will be a randomized shuffle of the parents’ genes.


To increase the power and ability of their heroes, players will be able to craft unique weapons and armor. Crafting powerful and rare weapons will require rare materials and resources, whereas basic materials will produce less powerful and less desirable gear.

Guild Spells

Guild Spells are special support cards that players will be able to purchase and use in real-time during gameplay to influence the flow or outcome of a battle. Guild Spells come in random decks and are upgradable. Upgrading their guild will result in players gaining access to new decks and rare spells.


Players will be able to explore, discover and purchase lands that produce valuable resources, varying from in-game tokens to crafting materials, to resources required for upgrading. To increase the productivity of their lands, participants will have the ability to upgrade them.


All lands, heroes, weapons, spell cards, rare materials, etc. in Heroes Chained are NFTs. Players will have full ownership of these in-game assets and the ability to trade, sell or rent them to other players through the in-game Marketplace, as well as the option to sell them through various third-party platforms.

Due to the world-class talent level of the artists involved in Heroes Chained, some NFTs may simply be produced as high-quality collectable artwork for fans and participants to acquire and collect.

Gameplay Modes

In PVE mode, players will be able to explore the lands beyond the city walls, complete missions, engage and defeat enemies, discover resource nodes, and locate dungeons and gather artefacts.

In PVP mode, gamers will be able to engage in arena battles with other guilds inside the city walls. Players will also be able to form guild alliances and engage in team battles.

Gamers will be able to form and participate in both official and unofficial leagues and tournaments, creating an exciting player-driven game environment.

Additional Feature

In order to simplify the onboarding process for non-blockchain savvy gamers, Heroes Chained will feature a custodial wallet option with fiat currency support to streamline the experience for these users.


The Heroes Chained metaverse economy will be powered by the $HeC token.

The $HeC token features governance, utility and DeFi components. $HeC holders will be able to contribute to future game development and decision-making through DAO voting. As a utility token, $HeC will be used to perform in-game actions and marketplace transactions; including the sales and renting of NFTs. Holders will be able to participate in yield farming and other DeFi opportunities.

Players will be able to obtain $HeC by competing in PVP guild and team tournaments, completing tasks and missions, defeating monsters, selling crafted items or game assets, as well as owning $HeC producing land.

IGO Facts

Let’s take a closer look at the Heroes Chained IGO information and SFUND holders’ opportunity to buy $HeC tokens before market listing through the IGO on the Seedify Launchpad on January 17.

  • Name: $HeC
  • Token Type: AVAX
  • Total supply: 100 000 000
  • Initial Mcap: $679K
  • IGO Date: January 17
  • Allocation: $400K (including 5% success fee)
  • IGO Price: $0.35
  • Listing price: $0.35
  • Vesting: 20% at TGE, then 13,33% every month for 6 months

To learn more about Heroes Chained, please check out the following links:

How to buy and join an IGO

First time participating in an IGO? You can learn more about what an IGO is; HERE.

In summary: Blockchain game projects can realize the initial offerings of their tokens on the Seedify platform. This enables blockchain game project owners to enjoy the advantages of the Seedify platform, while investors are able to access and invest in projects without any middleman.

First of all, you need to complete your KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Here, you can find a comprehensive guide for each and every step of the KYC verification process. After completing your KYC, follow this link.

About Seedify

Seedify is a blockchain gaming-focused incubator and launchpad ecosystem, empowering innovators and project developers through access to funding, community and partnership building and a full support system to help drive the future of gaming and blockchain.

To learn more, please visit the links below:

