Space Misfits: The Immersive 3D Space Exploration Metaverse

Raissa Gomes
8 min readJan 6, 2022


Hello, Seedify Community!

Today, we are excited to share more information about Space Misfits and its upcoming IGO on the Seedify Launchpad on January 15!

Following the Great Cataclysm, with the Galactic Alliances destroyed and the Heroes defeated, the galaxy went silent.

The Unknowns declared victory.

Rising from the ashes and taking what little remained of their once glorious empire on The Kings Arc, the Orion Misfits, a group of rebels, established a new station in the far regions of the galaxy to regroup and rebuild.

Following two generations, the Misfits achieved a sustainable empire. Soon after, warnings of approaching Unknown armies reached them from a nearby system.

Although under threat from foreign enemies, internal conflict had resulted in the group breaking into two factions; the fanatic Theistic-Scientist and absolutist Alliance of the Suns and the seceding Coalition of the Free Systems. Although the two factions coexist, they are in constant conflict, with the King Station being the only conflict-free zone.

As the enemy armies drew closer, a new faction emerged. The Tuarek Brotherhood, a group of nomadic merchants who travel throughout the galaxy gathering valuables for the trade guild, while remaining neutral and providing and engaging in trade with all factions.

Welcome to Space Misfits!

Space Misfits

Space Misfits is an immersive 3D MMORPG space game powered by blockchain technology. Players can embark on exciting adventures, building ships, battling, exploring and conquering new worlds in the metaverse while getting rewarded for their efforts through the game’s play-to-earn features.

The Game

Space Misfits is free-to-play; players will be able to download the game and begin playing without any initial costs, while having the option to acquire NFTs based on their strategy and ambitions to progress and enhance their game-play endeavors.

All players will begin the game as a lonely survivor, grinding and battling to stay alive, working towards becoming a stronger, more experienced Misfit.

The Space Misfits game will build and progress through seasons, with the initial three season development as follows:

Season 1

Survive — The first season will focus on the development of the individual Misfits, survival, building ships and fleets, and establishing dominance in the existing solar systems while reaching new goals and achievements. The initial three factions will be based out of King Station. The NFT and P2P marketplace, ships, turrets, modules and parts forging, and telemetry implementation will be part of this season.

Season 2

Team Up — In the second season, with the solar systems more developed, hospitable and lucrative, the Misfits will need to team up and defend their resources from visitors/enemies. Players will be able to participate in player-generated events to earn prizes and NFTs.

Season 3

Discover — In this season, with the 7 Solar Systems having been fully revealed; the Orion Misfits will be able to explore new parts of the expanding Space Misfits metaverse, discovering new worlds along with enhanced space station and planetary interaction. Player vs Player engagement will provide further exciting new adventures and opportunities for participants.


Gamers will have a variety of different game-play modes, along with options and roles that they’ll be able to choose from, depending on their strategies and approach to playing the game. Each role presents an opportunity to earn in-game currency rewards along with options to build and expand game-play.

To play, participants will be able to choose which of the 3 initial factions they wish to join. Each faction will provide various boosts, which gamers can access by participating in daily missions called Powerplays, having the ability to advance through levels and earn points for their faction. The faction with the most points will receive bonuses. Players will also be able to convert Telemetry earned in the game to faction points.


Players will be able to play as Miners, extracting minerals from asteroids, transporting and selling them on the marketplace, Builders crafting and selling in-game assets, NPC Hunters, exploring and battling NPCs to win loot, etc. with the roles and opportunities expanding with the development of each season. Strategy will be an essential part of a player’s success and progression in the game, along with managing crews, resources and jobs, space exploration, land ownership and development, tactical planning, etc., depending on each player’s chosen role or level of participation.

Other Modes and Mechanics

Gamers will be able to embark on Excursions, both solo or with other gamers, playing their way through procedurally generated levels, gaining more valuable rewards as they progress. This will include the introduction of Disembark, an FPS mode with timed events throughout the Space Misfits universe, involving NPC and PVP battles while locating, boarding and looting abandoned ships.

In PVP Arena mode, gamers will be able to engage in up to 5v5 battles, wagering in-game tokens on the outcome of the fight, with the winner taking the prize pool.

Players will also be able to enjoy fast-paced ‘dogfight’ style battles while engaging other players in areas outside of the 7 Systems.

The 7 Solar Systems are governed by the Misfits and will act as a security zone where PVP engagement is not allowed. If a player attempts to engage another player, NPC security will immediately seek out their ship and destroy it and they will be subject to restrictions for a set amount of time.

Space Stations

Each solar system will have a Space Station, which will act as a central hub, containing a Marketplace, Forge, Space Agent and Hangar, where players can store their ships and items, along with a private area to congregate, do business and hang out with other players.

In the Marketplace, gamers will be able to sell forged items or collected minerals and loot. Transactions will incur fees that will help fund and sustain the treasury. Players who possess Space Station ownership NFTs, along with active Misfits Support and Founder NFT holders, will also share marketplace fee revenue. Qualifying for fee-sharing will be subject to certain participation and reputation requirements.

In the Hangar, players will be able to store, repair, fuel and equip their ship. Utilizing the hangar for storage or any other purpose will require players to pay fees using the in-game currency. All fees will need to be paid in order for players to retrieve their assets.

The Forge will allow participants to craft ships and other items, which require the in-game currency ($BITS), minerals, parts, Telemetry (specific to the item being crafted) and a Blueprint. Forged items are destructible in gameplay, and players will need to craft or acquire new items to replace them.

The Space Agent will serve as each player’s private space, a place where they can decide which game mode or adventure to embark on next and to ensure that participants have the proper security clearance to access that respective mode or realm.

Other Game Features

  • Land Ownership

Players interested in more advanced participation in the Space Misfits game economy will be able to acquire land, having the option of owning a piece of the Space Stations or land on a Planet. Owning land will provide access to revenue sharing from certain fees collected in the game but will require active participation in the game’s economy and operations.

Space Station owners will need to participate in managing supply chains, expenses, logistics, etc., to keep these floating cities running smoothly.

Planet Outposts will exist outside of the 7 systems. Owners will need to manage the development, harvesting and logistics of their land’s resources and minerals, construct storage facilities and plants, and manage the transportation of these resources throughout the galaxy and systems.

  • Companies

Players will also have the opportunity to own a share of the various companies in the game, allowing them to participate and access revenue from fees collected in the game.

  • Blueprints

Players interested in crafting game assets will need to acquire Blueprint NFTs, which will exist in limited quantities.

  • Bio-Tech Clones

These Droids will have various functions in the game, playing vital roles in ships’ operations, on land, excursions and other game-play situations.

  • Telemetry

Players will be able to purchase Telemetry or collect it through participation in the game. Telemetry is required to improve the level quality of ships and other items in the crafting process. Specific Telemetry will be necessary, respective to the blueprint being used and the item being produced.


To power its in-game economy, Space Misfits will employ a two token system.

$SMCW will function as a governance and premium utility token, being used to participate in the game’s governance model and to purchase crafted items on the marketplace. Players will earn $SMCW through staking, participating in tournaments and events, NPC drops, faction powerplay and completing missions.

$BITS is the in-game token and will be earned and collected through various avenues of participation in the game, including completing tasks and daily missions. $BITS will be used to purchase minerals and other items collected in the game, and will be required to craft game items and assets.

IGO Info

Let’s take a look at how SFUND token holders can gain early access to purchasing $SMCW through the upcoming IGO on the Seedify Launchpad before they’re listed on the public market.


  • Name: $SMCW
  • Token Type: ETH
  • Total Supply: 200 000 000
  • Initial Mcap: $656K
  • Listing price: $0.16
  • IGO Date: January 15
  • Allocation: $400K (Including 5% success fee)
  • IGO Price: $0.16
  • Vesting: 25% at TGE, then 25% each month for the following 3 months

To learn more about Space Misfits, please check out the following links:

How to buy and join an IGO

First time participating in an IGO? You can learn more about what an IGO is; HERE.

In summary: Blockchain game projects can realize the initial offerings of their tokens on the Seedify platform. This enables blockchain game project owners to enjoy the advantages of the Seedify platform, while investors are able to access and invest in projects without any middleman.

First of all, you need to complete your KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Here, you can find a comprehensive guide for each and every step of the KYC verification process. After completing your KYC, follow this link.

About Seedify

Seedify is a blockchain gaming-focused incubator and launchpad ecosystem, empowering innovators and project developers through access to funding, community and partnership building and a full support system to help drive the future of gaming and blockchain.

To learn more, please visit the links below:

