The Parallel: the evolution of an Infinite Metaverse

Raissa Gomes
6 min readDec 24, 2021


Hello, Seedify Community!

Today, we are incredibly excited to introduce The Parallel and share more information about the game and its IGO coming up on the Seedify Launchpad on December 27th!

Welcome to a world without limitations. An infinite space without boundaries, walls or restrictions. Welcome to an endless landscape, designed and crafted purely by the creativity and imagination of its community. This is an evolution of the metaverse, a digital world built and shaped by the citizens participating in its ecosystem. A world beyond anyone’s imagination and expectations….

Welcome to The Parallel!

The Parallel

The Parallel is a voxel-style VR metaverse game where participants from around the globe will be able to design and craft a digital world born from their wildest imagination. Players will be able to enjoy an endless entertainment experience, along with many opportunities to earn from their participation in the game.

The Parallel ecosystem will be driven by community participation, and user-created content through a connected immersive social experience.


To begin playing, each player will need to create an account and will receive a basic character (basic characters will be free and are not NFTs). Gamers will need to acquire tools and equipment, to begin experiencing and exploring The Parallel. The equipment type they require will be dependent on the game activities they want to participate in.


Runes are cube-shaped materials that are used to construct The Parallel metaverse. Runes can be found anywhere in the game’s universe and will be used to build and craft in-game items such as lands, weapons, etc., along with game characters. Runes feature various levels, attributes and rarities (Legendary, Epic, Rare, Uncommon and Common, in descending order), which will determine the level of power and ability the items constructed with them will possess.


Players will be able to create and craft their own in-game character or Paragon. Each Paragon will feature its own unique attributes and personality, and will be an NFT minted on the blockchain.

Crafting and Uncrafting

Crafting Paragons or other in-game items will require Runes. The crafted items will be produced through an RNG process, which will result in none of the creations being alike. The strength and rarity of the produced items will depend on the Runes’ rarity levels that were used to construct them. Gamers will also be able to Uncraft undesirable NFTs to gain the ability to craft more useful or suited items.

NFTs minted in the game will feature copyright ownership protection via the Hydra System, which will use AI technology to ensure that each crafted NFT is unique (less than 85% alike). Players will have opportunities to monetize their NFT IP through licensing and leasing.

The Parallel will feature two in-game item categories, Consumables and Equipment. Consumables will be required to engage in gameplay activities, such as mining and re-energizing, while Equipment or Tool items will enhance a Paragon’s attributes and abilities when engaging in activities such as exploring, quests and constructing.

Gamers will be able to own Land in The Parallel metaverse which they’ll be able to develop and build on, to create an immersive space for other players to explore.


The Parallel will provide participants with many opportunities to earn rewards from their contributions to the game, focusing on an Enjoy-to-Earn model. Players providing value and experiences for other players through their participation will be rewarded accordingly.

Gamers will be able to earn by exploring the metaverse in PVE casual mining mode, completing activities, daily and weekly quests or working as tenants on land owned by others. Participation in casual games will allow gamers to earn runes and tokens. Future development will include more PVP modes and Special Events.

Gamers will have the ability to craft high-value Paragons, items and equipment, which they’ll be able to sell or rent to other gamers on the Parallel Marketplace. Licensing NFT IP will create further earning opportunities.

Players will also have the option to earn by staking or farming the game’s tokens.

The project’s long-term goal is to create the ultimate collection of immersive and diverse explorable worlds and games that encompass the creativity and ingenuity of a global community of gamers reaping the rewards of its Enjoy-to-Earn business model.

Players will be able to experience the game in regular or VR/AR modes.


The Parallel will utilize a two token economy to power its ecosystem.

$PRL will be the main utility and governance token in The Parallel ecosystem. The token will be used for all marketplace transactions, staking, farming, rewards for special events, DAO participation and minting Paragons, Lands, weapons, etc.

$PS will have no supply limit and will be the main in-game and rewards token, earned by completing in-game activities and used for Crafting and Uncrafting and minting NFTs.

IGO Facts

Let’s take a look at The Parallel IGO details and how SFUND token holders can buy $PRL tokens on the Seedify Launchpad before they’re listed on the public market.

  • Name: $PRL
  • Token Type: BEP-20
  • Total supply: 1 000 000 000
  • Initial Mcap: $785,000
  • Listing price: $0.04
  • IGO Date: December 27
  • Allocation: $220K (including 5% success fee)
  • IGO Price: $0.04
  • Vesting: 25% at TGE, then linear vesting for 3 months

To learn more about The Parallel, please check out the following links:

How to buy and join an IGO

First time participating in an IGO? You can learn more about what an IGO is; HERE.

In summary: Blockchain game projects can realize the initial offerings of their tokens on the Seedify platform. This enables blockchain game project owners to enjoy the advantages of the Seedify platform, while investors are able to access and invest in projects without any middleman.

First of all, you need to complete your KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Here, you can find a comprehensive guide for each and every step of the KYC verification process. After completing your KYC, follow this link.

About Seedify

Seedify is a blockchain gaming-focused incubator and launchpad ecosystem, empowering innovators and project developers through access to funding, community and partnership building and a full support system to help drive the future of gaming and blockchain.

To learn more, please visit the links below:

