How To Create and Use Custom Facebook Conversion Events using trackCustom

Blake Epstein
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2019

The Facebook Pixel is the main tool you can use to track events on a website. You can then use data from the pixel with the Marketing API to build custom audiences based on activity on your website, measure conversion activity and determine which ads lead to results such as purchases.

Current List of Facebook Standard Events

There are currently 18 standard events that Facebook can track.

Current List of Facebook Pixel Object Properties

Additionally, each standard events has object properties. You can include the following predefined object properties with any custom events, and any standard events that support them. Format your parameter object data using JSON.

Using Facebook trackCustom

The standards events cover most needs, but what if you need to track something outside of the standard events? You would use:

fbq('trackCustom', '<CustomEventName>');

You can even attach object properties to these custom events:

fbq('trackCustom', 'my_custom_event', {
custom_param1: 'ABC',
custom_param2: 123,
value: 10.00,
currency: 'USD'

Using the Facebook Pixel Helper tool we can see how the event populates.

How To Use Custom Facebook Events

Just like the standard events, you can use any custom event to:

  1. Create New Audiences and Lookalikes
  2. Optimize Campaigns
  3. Measure Performance

Creating New Audiences from Custom Events

To create a new audience from a custom event navigate to audiences and select “Create Audience”

Then select “Website Traffic”

From there, in the drop down, find your custom event

Once that is selected you can move on to selecting the time frame or narrowing it further with your custom object property

