AI Recreates Animals From Their Dictionary Descriptions: PART 2

Comparing Midjourney AI algorithms

7 min readNov 22, 2022


created by HungryMinded using MidjourneyAI

Today we are going to use AI to recreate images of animals using their dictionary descriptions as text prompts. I am going to use the v4 algorithm from Midjourney AI for this experiment. And I will also show you images created with the previous version of their algorithm.

I love doing experiments like this with Midjourney. And if you’d like to try something like this yourself, I will include a link to a tutorial at the end of this article. (you can try Midjourney for free)

The Experiment

I have already done this before, with an older version of Midjourney. For the descriptions, I am using the Macmillian dictionary. To keep it interesting, I excluded every mention of the animal names from the descriptions.

This time you will see two images for each animal. On the left, you will see creations I generated with the previous version of Midjourney AI and on the right, you will see images generated using the v4 algorithm.

Let’s get to the point:

1. A Cat

An animal with soft fur, a long thin tail, and whiskers, that people keep as a pet or for catching mice.




A Top Writer on Medium, AI-enthusiast. Always curious and always HungryMinded.