Introduction To PromptCrafting — Midjourney AI

Create amazing AI art

6 min readApr 21, 2023


Image by the author

I recently started a brand-new Newsletter focused on Midjourney AI. This post is a preview of what you can expect from the newsletter. If you are new to Midjourney AI — here are some Free guides to get you going.

Let's get to it.

Good day fellow Midjourneyers!

Today we are going to talk about PromptCrafting. A skill that is going to become more useful in the coming years as these amazing tools progress. We have entered a new age. An age of communicating with computers using natural language. And we have to do our best to adapt.

Today we are going to cover these topics:

  • What is PromptCrafting
  • How to Write Prompts for Midjourney AI
  • Midjourney AI and Generative AI news

What is PromptCrafting

AI whispering, Prompt Engineering, or Prompt Crafting — call it as you please all of these terms refer to the emerging art of getting your message across to AI tools as efficiently as possible.

Turning simple language into commands that are optimized for the tools you are using. Whether it’s ChatGPT or Midjourney AI — there are things that work, and things that do not.




A Top Writer on Medium, AI-enthusiast. Always curious and always HungryMinded.