Profession Of The Future — AI Whisperer

The Times They Are a-Changin

4 min readAug 14, 2022


Artificial intelligence interacting with a human being
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: on Pexels


If you haven’t noticed, AI-generated images are taking the internet by storm. And let me tell you one thing. This is just the beginning. AI-generated visuals are here to stay. And it will sure as hell change the order of things.

For one it will probably change the way that artists work. Make it easier to conceptualize ideas while also making it more difficult to compete with the sheer amount of images these tools can create.

And the way to operate these tools is an art in itself. Thus a new profession soon may come into existence. AI whisperer. I came across this term while researching copyright issues regarding AI-generated images.

Mindblowing capabilities of AI

With huge conglomerates like Google, Meta (former Facebook), Microsoft, and companies like OpenAI and MidJourney, each working on their own versions of image-generating AI the whole space is progressing rapidly.

But although a lot of progress is yet to come. We don’t have to wait to see mindblowing results achieved using these powerful tools. And you can see a lot of those all over the internet. But here are some of my favorite examples:

1. A story here on…




A Top Writer on Medium, AI-enthusiast. Always curious and always HungryMinded.