September Earnings Report — Joining The $100 Club

My first earnings report

3 min readOct 3, 2022


Photo by olia danilevich on Pexels

When I first joined Medium I read a whole bunch of earning reports, as well as stories about the $100 club. I learned that only a fraction of writers make over $100 each month here on Medium. And these stories kept me inspired. And today I can happily say that I have finally crossed the $100 a month mark myself.

What I’ve learned along the way is that it’s all about keeping going.

When you start writing online it very much feels like writing into the void. Nobody reads your work, nobody comments and nobody cares. But persistence is the key to overcoming this phase.

The ones who come out at the top are the ones who keep going despite the difficulty. And I will keep going. I will keep improving. And I will keep growing as a writer and a human being.

I would like to thank each and every one of you who is reading my articles, supporting me, and making this possible.

Now let’s gets get to the numbers:

During the month of September, I published 21 articles. This has been my most productive month of writing so far, follower by August with 16 articles.




A Top Writer on Medium, AI-enthusiast. Always curious and always HungryMinded.