Conversation with the Great Earth Spirit — GAIA — Part 3

Hierarchy of Consciousness.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
3 min readMar 3, 2024


living in harmony with nature.

Connecting to a greater network of Consciousness

Imagine a web of ideas, like a network woven from shared beliefs and aspirations. When individuals gather around a common ideal, they connect to a larger consciousness, a Guardian.

Think of holding a cup. It embodies a vast network of information and activities. The materials, production process, transport, and marketing all contribute to its existence. This invisible network extends to the people involved, forming a larger, unseen whole.

Similarly, ideals and ideas are not isolated entities. They too are interconnected, forming webs of consciousness. Observing these webs as a whole reveals a Guardian, an entity with its own awareness existing in a different realm of time and space.

Just as your nervous system connects you, these Guardians connect followers through the web of common ideals. By resonating with an idea, you become part of its network and, in a sense, part of the Guardian itself.

The size of these groups can vary, starting with as few as three individuals and reaching a maximum of thirteen. These groups expand in multiples of their initial number. For instance, a group of seven would grow to fourteen, twenty-one, and so on.

However, this isn’t a typical arithmetic sequence. Instead, it follows a specific pattern: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. This sequence has deeper meaning, reflecting the order of life:

  • 1 represents the elements (earth, air, fire, water, ether)
  • 3 represents the plant kingdom.
  • 5 represents the animal kingdom.
  • 7 represents humanity.
  • 9 represents deities.
  • 11 represents Gods or the highest benchmark for that form of existence.
  • 13 represents the cycle of life and the leap to a new form of existence.

The number of individuals determines the level of interaction with these realms. A single person can connect with the elementals, while a group of three can interact with plants on an energetic level. As the group grows, their interaction extends to animals, humans, and eventually, at thirteen, they connect with the source of all creation.

Determining the human level, you can see that you are in group 1 where you are cultivating and mastering the elements in an external form; through industrialization you have accomplished so much and have created so much. Thus, as you elevate your level then you will master the secrets of the Botanics and accomplish dozens as much.

This has been a secret in many ancient mystical practices where they would require a group of 12, such as the twelve tribes of Israel, the 12 apostles of Christ, it is obscured in mysticism with the fact that the 13th member is their leader or teacher, thus a cosmic law that once executed it aligns with the natural cosmic rhythms.

This interaction can be immediate or gradual. The system mirrors the Sri Yantra, with its ascending chakras representing different levels of consciousness. It aligns with the Sri Yantra, where vortices on the human energetic vertical pillar of ascension correspond to the poles to each vortex with its counterpart. The actual chakra system consists of 12 major chakra with the thirteenth being this energetic vertical column.

  1. The heart chakra being as the source and center projecting the six main vortices as columns or pillars of reality; right, left, to- and fro-, up and down.
  2. The throat chakra aligns with the solar plexus chakra,
  3. the brow chakra with the sacral chakra,
  4. and the third eye with the root chakra.
  5. Exiting the outer body, the crown chakra connects with the seed of life,
  6. leading to the fruit of life mirroring the foundation of life.
  7. From there, the spark of life mirrors the fountain of life.

This principle once attuned properly, then the involved individuals or groups will attain the abilities to influence their surroundings relative to the activated energy vortices within, connecting with various realms of existence depending on the size and focus of the group. Thus, the manifestation of various abilities will be distributed accordingly depending on the individual’s characters and their innate potency.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.