Conversation with the Great Earth Spirit — GAIA — Part 5

The Great Earth Spirit and Ancient Ancestral Connections

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
2 min readMar 5, 2024



The concept of the Great Earth Spirit, known as Gaia in various ancient traditions, signifies the profound earth consciousness responsible for orchestrating all ecosystems in the natural world. Contrary to a confined association with a single planet or Earth alone, this Great Earth Spirit encompasses diverse ecosystems across the entire realm.

Consequently, all principles governing natural systems and processes fall within the realm of this Great Earth Spirit. In the elemental alignments, Earth and organics coalesce into one element, making any place where this system is present a manifestation of the Great ‘Uarth’ (oowarrTH) spirit.

The spiritual foundation of life underscores the existence of these great earth spirits as entities residing in a spiritual realm, with their physical manifestation appearing as nature itself. As one ascends into the spiritual realm, interaction with these great spirits becomes possible.

The Earth Spirit primarily engages with people not on a personal level but through their deities. To connect with Gaia or the Earth Spirit, individuals must follow a hierarchical order, starting from ancestors, progressing through clan deities and guardians until they ultimately access the Great Earth Spirit.

Given your origin, as later elaborated, you possess access to your native and original guardians, albeit not from this planet. As foreigners to Earth, your inner octaves vibrate differently. Connecting with the spirit of the Earth essentially involves connecting with the spirit of your true place of origin.

The complexity deepens as internal rhythms undergo alteration and mixing with diverse vibrations, rendering them unrecognizable to true Mother deities. Accessing your origins necessitates a connection through Ancient Ancestors, who retain access to your roots.

Despite not being banished from true ancestors, the aftermath of chaos, as revealed later, led to a plan proposed by the overseers. This plan allows humans to manifest a new breed of deities, ascending to higher dimensions. In essence, individuals, being inherently unacceptable to higher deities, have the ability to create their own representatives on higher dimensions.

At any given moment, a creature embarking on the journey to ascend can transform its physical nature into a higher essence. Upon believing and taking action in that singular wish, the effects ripple into eternity, shaping a multidimensional reality across different timelines and dimensions, creating the complete version of the soul’s desire.

Subsequently, by persisting in and upholding that wish through trials and tribulations, the individual will eventually reach their destination. Consequently, the ancient connections with the original ancestors would cease. Creating new higher dimensional deities signifies the culmination of the cycle for the original deities.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.