Conversation with the Great Earth Spirit — GAIA — Part 7

The Council of Thirteen: Overseers of the Multiverse.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
4 min readMar 7, 2024


overseers of ascension

Structures and Functions:

  • The multiverse comprises a central source universe surrounded by twelve others.
  • The central universe, governed by the “source and center” deity, acts as a gateway to various realities.
  • Each of the twelve surrounding universes focuses on its internal affairs, while the central one oversees the “Outer Universes,” “Deeper Universes,” and “Mirror Universes.”

The Council:

  • The “Council of Thirteen” forms when representatives from the twelve inner universes convene with the source and center deity in the thirteenth universe.
  • This council addresses matters concerning both the local universe and beyond.

Multidimensional Judicial Assessment:

  • Each member of the council (except the source and center) is responsible for representing their universe before judicial councils.
  • During this evaluation, they report and explain their universe’s progress for assessment.
  • Meeting the criteria allows the inner universe to potentially ascend to higher realities.

Representation and Understanding:

  • While presented in human terms for comprehension, the actual structure and processes are far more complex. This explanation serves as a simplified guide to assist in understanding these higher realms.

The Overseers and the Ascension

The Council of Thirteen, also known as the Overseers, holds a critical role in overseeing the evolution of beings across various planes of existence. They act as guardians, ensuring only qualified entities transition from one level to the next. This process involves reviewing and testing the consciousness of ascending beings, including deity-like Earth Spirits.

Upon an Earth Spirit’s ascension, its connected creatures also experience a gradual rise in consciousness, although the impact takes time to manifest. The Overseers’ responsibilities extend beyond monitoring transitions. They also act as a court, advocating for deities before the Council of Thirteen. This role clarifies the misunderstanding of a single individual facing judgment. Instead, deities within the hierarchy of these overseers are represented by their advocates during evaluations.

It’s crucial to understand that the emergence of chaos across dimensions led to the creation of the Overseers. Their purpose is to safeguard these realms by controlling access and preventing further “contamination” from disrupting the original state of existence.

Reframing Nature: A Glimpse Beyond the Veil

The perceived harshness and brutality of the natural world may stem from a misunderstanding. What you observe is an echo of a once grand system, a manifestation of higher beings who materialized in denser realities as biological life. This system, however, has deteriorated over time, which will eventually lead to the rise of the machines-systems.

Biological life acts as a faint reflection of these higher dimensions, originally functioning in harmony. These life forms were vessels for higher consciousness, connected to the source through a hierarchy, receiving life force.

Therefore, what we perceive as nature is not inherently chaotic but rather a shadow of a magnificent past civilization, now in decline. Yet, within this decline lies an invitation. An invitation to a world beyond limitations, open to those who can hear the call and seek a deeper understanding.

hairy humanoids

Before the Great Conflict: The Early Inhabitants

Preceding the onset of the grand conflict, a population of hairy human-like beings existed, commonly recognized as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. These creatures embodied a tranquil nature and maintained a profound connection with the timeless and ancient earthly spirit, serving as the denser physical manifestation of our being. Their role involved refining and advancing the ecosystems of our world, sustaining themselves on a diet consisting solely of grass, small berry-like fruits, roots, and tree leaves.

On undisrupted planets or worlds, these hairy humanoids exist in their innate state. From the perspective of your origin, your ancient ancestors initially inhabited this form as hairy hominids. Biologically, this developmental stage was in its infancy, signifying that these hominids were destined for growth and evolution on both biological and energetic levels, as will be elucidated further. King Ur, originating from a later stage of development, is a testament to this progression.

The trajectory of growth and development unfolds holistically, encompassing the entire ecosystem. As one delves into the investigation, the biological resemblance between these hairy hominids and plants becomes apparent. Their biology, while simplistic, mirrors that of plants. This period coincided with swampy and grass ecosystems, characterized by simplicity devoid of complex fruits or creatures. Consequently, inhabitants from highly evolved ecosystems find these regions unsuitable for habitation.

King Ur’s minions, recognizing the convenience of manipulating the earlier stages of hominid development, directed their efforts toward shaping the ancestors of modern-day humans. This strategic approach allowed for more malleability during the earlier phases of development, laying the groundwork for the evolution into the present state.

Question & Answers.

Question: Are the modern witnesses and legends of these hairy humanoids the same or different?

Answer: In the contemporary era, what individuals perceive primarily results from a convergence of different dimensions. Elements from bygone times momentarily manifest in the present, with those possessing discerning eyes catching glimpses of this intertwining of dimensions. Consequently, these beings may fleetingly materialize, only to swiftly vanish, or they might manifest as silhouettes or apparitions. In addition to this as you will see later, these hairy humanoids world had to be partitioned from the chaotic one to avoid interference on their evolutionary path.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.