History of WitchCraft — A Conversation with Thao — Part 10

How did witches emerge in societies?

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
7 min readJul 29, 2021


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

The Problem with Witchcraft.

Witchcraft has plagued your society, because of hate, but there is also another motive that is higher than just hate, it is because of exploring those areas that the witches have attracted negative and dark entities that dragged the entire society into peril.

There are key points here to be learned. Society depends on its entirety, that is why you are taught about love, it is the same thing that plagues them even at this moment, the suffering is because you have allowed the undetected evil forces to cover your societies, hate is a frequency, and these frequencies broadcast to people around you, which results into people abusing you.

Because of the extraordinary power to channel energy, your people have suffered a lot, because this ability has been exploited and used for other people’s advantages.

Once you could do a lot of magnificent things with your intentions, you created a paradise, you lived in harmony, however, after this, the emotion of hate came through and destroyed everything. in most cases a brewed-out witch is not a person of actions but can hold and accumulate a massive reservoir of negative emotional energy for a long time, this makes energy accumulate to later destroy things.

A side note: There are good witches and bad witches, what Thao is portraying here is the jealous witches, the types of witches that disrupt and destroys other people’s lives. The energies of emotions are not just blank energy because it contains information in it; therefore, these energies hold impressions that manifest on the physical level as an event or micro-organisms. So, if they are negative, they will create harmful microorganisms, or things like curses, and bad luck. And it is these energies that a shaman or a witch works with to heal someone or harm someone.

Question: Tell me more about witchcraft and its impact on ancient societies.

Answer: In the long history of witches in relationship to the societies in Africa, witches are feared, they are the type of people and forces you never messed up with, they were both feared and hated. And there is a created mentality for this. Before the coming of Christianity, very few people could ever dare to speak of witches because they knew the moment they think of them, these witches will hear them, and then great consequences will follow.

Witchcraft usually begins as envy or jealousy, it is when someone wants something that other people have, and they want all people to be the same, therefore when one tries to excel others would tip them back onto the ground, the witchcraft itself is not just a practice or a specific method of doing things, but the inner intentions, it is the intention to harm others, it represents itself mostly among women because of being introverts, many women have a hard time to express what they want because of a male-dominated world, and therefore they are drowned in the will of others, and if they try to communicate what they want, they are discredited.

So, when they realized that they could affect people with their emotional intents, it became their weapon, it became their stronghold, and they would talk among each other that they could help if someone is in need. Because they had invested a wealth of time on emotions, they then became powerful over time because they can channel emotional energies and direct them to something.

But because these emotions must have triggers, and most of the women would find out that they have these powers because of negative experiences, so their power would move into that direction, the direction of destruction.

A woman would be cooking with lots on her mind, then she would curse her husband, sister, mother-in-law, or sister-wife, with that ill-intention they would later realize that those curses or negative intentions had come to pass, so then, witchcraft revolved around the cooking recipes, but the real power is in their charged emotions.

Besides this, some men and women were stillborn with their natural abilities and to this moment there are born with these abilities to see things on other dimensions, and these things would also talk to them, and teach them things, And most of the things these witches were taught, are not inherently good, because to accumulate more power, they would have to violate certain natural laws, they will peer into ordinary people’s lives to see their spiritual gifts and steal them.

As I have said earlier the supernatural abilities have certain mechanisms on higher realms, so these witches can extract these mechanisms and use them, it is a belief that witches take people’s organs and such, but it is these organs that interdimensional contains these magical mechanisms that witches steal, you will notice in many stories that people say, a great witch stole his golden heart, this is true in a sense that the heart of this person is not just like everybody else on higher dimensions. And this practice makes it a demonic act, something that goes against nature.

Because of the inner war between the witches and the society, they misused these abilities to plague men in general, the things that men like the most, they would destroy them. If a man cheats with another woman that woman would die or get bad diseases.

So inherently, witchcraft is never a good practice looking at it from many different angles, but it should never be confused with shamanism, supernatural abilities, or natural religions. As these are genuine ways a society seeks to solve certain problems.

Some fewer men practice witchcraft compared to women, and most men who practice witchcraft are either descendants of the witches or they have a powerful shadow of a female witch behind them. So, in most cases, a male witch is mostly used as a cover-up or puppet under a powerful queen witch.

Most of the witchcraft as it is known to people, was the remnant of what was once natural human abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, premonitions, and so on, but these witches still maintained these abilities and were able to use them, but because of the decline of moral character it was then that all supernatural abilities were considered bad by leaders because they realized once these people become angry, they would be able to obliterate an entire village, as many of plagues and pandemics are the result of intense negative emotions.

It was then that the queen of witches made an alliance with other interdimensional beings to help the witches, but these other interdimensional beings are not of good vibrations, so they made deals and contracts with strings attached to them. However, they helped the witches, because they have lowered their vibrations and turned themselves into bad or negative frequencies, beings of positive frequencies would not deal with them.

Because these covens of witches or this alliance of witches could understand the nature of reality slightly higher than an average person.

they kept something like a record, on which they could protect and select those who were in danger from the society, and it is through this alliance that some of the witches through different principles exist in other dimensions that an ordinary person cannot see. They did not want people to understand these other principles clearly, and in a way, they covered the truth, they cloud the sky so ordinary people would not become aware of anything more than them.

But they protect those who come onto these dimensions and sometimes would appear to people in dreams and visions teaching them witchcraft and giving them magical instruments. In Africa, for example, there are other parallel worlds, these worlds are strictly made up of witches, it requires a certain level of attainment for an individual to access those worlds. Because these societies still depend on humans, they made themselves not known to people, but restrict the progress from a technological standpoint and spirituality, because once there is progress and people become consciously aware of these other realities, then it is a matter of time people would begin to suspect their existence.

Now you may ask why do the guardians of the earth spirits not protect people from such malevolent witches.

There are a couple of reasons, first, some people are curious about witchcraft, then once they dive into witchcraft, they find themselves trapped in it and tormented by them. Because these legends are still preserved in oral literature, people seek their help, in their minds and hearts they are willing to do anything to get their revenge on someone, so through that person, a witch or dark forces can harm someone from that single wish. Because so many people carry these intentions in their hearts. The witchcraft subsided the society, it was then that the come of Christianity promoted love than hate so people were able to forgive and forget.

And some are tormented because they are somehow related or have crossed paths with these witches.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.