Seeds of Consciousness — Chapter 5 Part 1

Yet Another Reality

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness


Photo by Sumit Mangela on Unsplash

A Recap:

● Encountering Oghuwe was more than a revelation to Rudy. But Oghuwe had unleashed a burden of Truth on Rudy. Rudy had learned many unbelievable things, which seemed to come straight from science fiction and fantasy.

● Rudy had become aware of his true origins, that he was a Prime. The concept of a Prime is that he is a receiver and an oasis of information and energies from the Prime reality. His secondaries are what many would call a soul group, which includes humans, animals, plants, and even the elements.

● However, because of the elusive powers that be, the cosmic neural networks that connect all the realms have been infested, intercepted, and exploited, to the point that any information and energies coming from the Prime reality is no longer reliable. Which caused the deity Oghuwe to meet him inside an undetectable rhinoceros’ consciousness to reveal Rudy’s dark history.

● Rudy’s daughter Malkia is in a coma. We have learned that his mission in the mysterious land was to save his daughter’s life. But another strange and unacceptable truth according to Oghuwe is that Rudy is also in a coma, and not just an ordinary one. He has been in a coma for over 30 cycles.

● How is this possible?

● How could Rudy be in a coma while he is trying to save his daughter’s life who is also in a coma?

● To unravel these mysteries, we have yet to dig deeper into Rudy’s Origins.

Yet Another Reality

As Oghuwe was speaking to me, she started humming. This hum made my body vibrate. Then slowly I became larger, everything became smaller and smaller. Oghuwe’s forest was only a part of a microscopic cell within a tiny creature when looking from ‘higher above’. As we kept on becoming larger and larger, we resurfaced on another plane of reality.

We appeared in another world. This place had lots of dead bodies and broken machines. The machines were very advanced and somehow very different from ordinary machines: The gears, shafts, and mechanisms were not circular but oval and irregular, neither were these machines made of metal. About 75% of their mechanism was fluids and flexible shells.

The small creature from which we emerged was like a rodent scraping for food. Then she took me further away from that location. We were moving in a telescopic style where we glided from one place to another, seeing scenes magnifying and diminishing.

We moved to a place where there were very ancient buildings which were carved out and into the mountains. They had an enormous door. It seemed like giants were living there. The height of the door was about two hundred stories high. We shrunk in size and penetrated one of the small holes in that door. The hallway was massive, with strange writings and artistic ceilings like in a cathedral. There were giant statues. Everything seemed abandoned.

We walked through a wall and appeared in one of the other rooms. At first, I didn’t recognize a person lying there because of how massive this person was. Later, I realized there was a giant body lying there. Compared to his size, my height was as tall as his ear. After we glided higher up, I could see a giant laying in what appeared to be a sleeping stone like those of ancient Egyptians. However, this didn’t have a top cover on it. It looked like a bathtub with different symbols and engraved statues on the sides.

This giant body was lying on top of it. There was a depressed outline of this giant’s body. Also, there was something like fluid covering his body. They clad him in a tight suit with different markings and elegant symbols. If you asked me, I could easily tell you this individual was of significant importance.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.