Channeled Session

Conversation with the Great Earth Spirit— GAIA — Part 1

Spheres of Life.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness


Spheres of Life

Within each individual lies a deeper dimension, the source of various aspects of a person. This inner realm, distinct from the conscious mind and physical body, is the wellspring of life.

Imagine your personality as a single droplet from the vast ocean of your Eternal Being. Each drop represents your unique lives within the greater essence of who you are. Similarly, the “I AM” you identify with is a droplet from the Grand Universal “I AM.”

Through alignment with these deeper spheres, life’s journey unfolds. Lower spheres naturally ascend, while higher spheres may descend. This dynamic plays out in the external world as well. The inner Earth, for example, mirrors the inner dimensions within ourselves — emotional, mental, and spiritual.

The Law of Convergence explains how all matter becomes denser and more condensed towards the core of any sphere. This point of convergence serves as a gateway to another dimension, one of higher frequency and density than the outer layers.

Realizing this, we understand that venturing “outward” through space only explores the outermost layer of reality. No matter how far we travel, we remain within the outer spheres of life.

Each star, planet, and other celestial body serves as a portal to its own inner world. By attuning inwards, we can access these vast inner realms, much like delving into the core of our own being.

As we venture inwards, we encounter the point of convergence, where all life forms unite. Whether entering the inner Earth or the heart of Mars, we ultimately connect within a larger, unified reality that transcends individual planets. This inward journey, paradoxically, expands our perception beyond the limitations of outward exploration.

Therefore, when we gaze at the stars, we are indeed looking at portals to other worlds. Accessing these inner realms is not about venturing outward, but about tuning inward.

Within each planet, different layers of reality exist. Those dwelling solely on the surface layer, primarily engaging with their physical selves, experience a different alignment upon leaving this life.

By understanding these spheres of life, we gain a deeper perspective on our own existence and the interconnectedness of all things.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.